Monday, March 1, 2010

Froyo Brings People Together.

Tonight I go to FHE. Classic right? Not this year. I'm pretty sure this is the 2nd or gasp, 1st FHE I've attended this school year. Before you run off to the Honor Code Office let me explain akay? Last semester, I had a night class until 7 pm and by the time I got home FHE was over. This semester, I have either been taking an exam until 7, studying for an exam, or been sick so there. So tonight I go and my ward lovers roommate comes and I want to be like "Why did you not bring my future BF with you to FHE?" but refrained. Then everyone else showed up and was our FHE daddy was like "Let's go get frozen yogurt!" Those of you that know me know that I could like on ice cream/frozen yogurt and pizza alone. I almost screamed out loud but stopped myself since my bros and sissys would have been embarrassed for me. On our way over, lover's roomie is like "shoot, I have to go get my wallet". He runs home to get it and I'm hopeful that his hottie roommate will come but alas he comes back without him much to my dismay. So I proceed over to the froyo machines and select my ever faithful original tart with no toppings. I only like toppings when I get coldstone and that's because they're mixed in. I pay for my ice cream and when I turn around, my lover is where I just left. It was like the happiest trick God's ever played on me. I didn't think anything could be happier than froyo but lovers always make things better. I ask lover's roomie (his name is Sean in case you were curious) if I can sit at their table. Sean and I are talking about all the various froyo shops in Provo and which is our fav when all of a sudden lover is like "What kind did you get?" Did he really just talk to me? Wow, hello gorgeous boy that noticed me. I reply with my flavor and then actually said "Want some?" The next conversation happened in my head:

irrational self: Um, did you really just say that to random hottie with glasses?
rational self: Holy piss. Yeah I did. 
both versions of self: What the H? (I imagine at this point they both exchanged jovial laughter in the fact of my stupidity)
irrational self: Good luck getting him to talk to you again!
rational self: I know right? Crap!

While I was arguing this out in my brain, he politely said he just had some of his roomies and he had that same flavor. (I secretly wished the roomie wasn'r there so we could have had a moment of froyo sharing delight) I then was like "I don't think I've met you" and he was like "I'm Donnie". (In my head I laughed thinking of Donny Osmond and not hottie Donnie with glasses) I was then just like "Oh" and ate more yogurt. He was waiting for me to introduce myself but being a fatty eating  he had to ask me and I felt retarded as I replied. Sean took over at this point and said how they've known each other forever. Then he explained how Donnie just got back 3 weeks before from Brazil and I died a little on the inside. I almost asked how old he was but stopped myself. I figure that most likely he is 21 and I'm 22. I don't like younger boys but apparently all the ones I've liked lately are younger than me...ewwface. I guess I will have to marry Fatty after all but then if I'm going to marry a rich older boy, I'd so rather have his very attractive, rich roommate Jake even though he has tats and draws mermaids with 3 nips...sick. Maybe I'll just stay single forever and adopt an African solution I think.

1 comment:

heywhatsup. said...

hahah angie. i love the inner dialogue. very classic.