Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rise Above.

Let's start off by summing up the happy parts of the weekend, shall we? Here we go:
Friday-received the BEST letter ever from Elder Michael Edward Byrd.
Saturday-Ward activity up in SLC with dinner at the Lion House.
Sunday-Checking out the new total hottie (readers: he ever has glasses) at church + making the perfect BBQ chicken pizza + hanging out with the foreigns.

Bad new-my one friend is seriously going to get cut. so so so dumb doesn't even begin to describe them. ugh, i have the worst luck picking legit girl friends. Thank the Lord for my freaking amazing guy friends because without them, I would fall apart into a million little pieces. When you get into people being as my niece and I dub them "crappy people" you just got to smile and decide to be a better friend to all those that you have so that you'lll never be like them.

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