Thursday, May 26, 2011

Think Happy Thoughts.

Being happy is the best. When you're happier, you can spread the cheer onto someone else. Since this is my last free week (for a few weeks) this is how I will get my happy on:

1. Reading books
2. Cooking/baking
3. Sleeping in/ taking nap
4. Watching cartoons on youtube
5. Hanging out with my amigs

Friday, May 13, 2011

Reasons My Life is Complete.

Nothing says lazy weekend like a stack of new glossy mags.
...and Justin Bieber. I may have died everytime I've seen a J. Biebs commercial and marveled at his teen awesomeness and wishing I could rock purple like him.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dearest Jingle Bells (aka Jingsy Baby),

Happy mothers day. You're the bestest and even though I'm not making you dinner or massaging your head today, I still love you mucho. Everytime my "little pink baby with the bell" keychain jingles, I think of you. Thanks for picking me. Love you bunches!

Loves from your fav child (at least in my mind)