Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Why are you Laughing?"

That questions has been asked of me so many times I can't even begin to count them all. If there's something I love, it's a good laugh and I laugh easily and so hard. Many times I tear up and I've come dangerously close to peeing my pants on multiple occasions. So last night, Vish and I watched 17 Again and I was like dying the entire movie. There's this part in the health class and the asian teacher says the most ridic thing and then says "yuck" and I just remembered that in the shower and almost collapsed. The best is remembering something super funny like 478923783 days after it's happened in the most random place and having the entire world stare at you like you're on fire or something. That happens to me at least twice daily. Then you try and explain and no one else finds it as funny as you did but you still laugh like it's the funniest thing that. I'm excited for EFY to start tomorrow. I miss having children follow me around and call me mom. I have to tell you the best thing though. As I'm driving to pick up my key for EFY, I'm turning into Heritage Halls and I see a yellow jeep coming...nbd since I could care less about yellow jeeps and the stupid boys that drives one. Anyhow as it's about to pass, I had to glance at the driver and it was totally EJ! Umm, hi boy that has avoided me for the entire year! I'm pretty sure he noticed it was me since not too many black girls at BYU drive BMW's with California plates and have a pink lei and my car has been in his driveway so many nights. He grew out facial hair and I was like freaking gag me...I hate facial hair. I was not wanting him at all. Black eyes and facial are automatic turnoffs. Eww EJ why? You were so attractive when we were friends. What the L happened?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Feet.

These are my newest pair of pink shoes (the 2nd pair that I've bought this week alone) and I'm so excited for them! New shoes are just happy in general and only pink shoes can become an even happier thing.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'd Almost Marry This.

The ability to track packages makes crazies like me turn sane at knowing where our precious parcels are. Mine is currently en route to Provo from SLC as of 11:46 pm.
I would pretty much marry Cristiano Ronaldo for his body alone. Hello gorgeous abs, face, everthing, future soccer playing Gap model children.

I loved today. I dropped off my clothes at DI and chatted to a lovely worker about how cool Southern Californians were. I went to the market and bought loads of fruit and stuff for guacamole and mango lemonade. I bought cups for EFY (I still have to buy candy and oreos at Sam's Club...ahaha, so when I brought oreo and compared myself to one I thought Kamil would die. Apparently he had never heard me say that before. I even got a high five of approval). I relaxed at home and ate tons of fruit and my fav apple juice (Simply Apple-it looks so gross but it's the best ever). I watched Vish play softball and then came home and relaxed for awhile then went out for ice cream/froyo with Taylor and dished about boy drama. I came home and checked my package and listened to musica while doing laundry. I'm debating if I want to watch 17 Again or read The Book of Awesome...decisions, decisions.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Baby Girl Clothes > Baby Boy Clothes.

Ever since high school, I've been planning the childhood of my future offspring in which they will all be baby and child models for:
Umm, Baby Gap makes the cutest baby clothes ever and I'm pretty sure my kids will have more clothing than I do because I love this store that much. I can only start praying that my husband will be dropdead gorg and my children will be at least as cute but most likely cuter than the following children:

These kids kill my heart. They make me want to go find the most attractive man in Provo, sin with him and make adorable babies now. Thank goodness for self control and a low tolerance for pain (childbirth may just kill me alone). Also if my children don't inherit my black afro hair, I will donate them.

5 Days of Freedom.

That's all I have left until I will live the next 3 weeks by the strict perfected schedule that EFY follows. If only I had gone home to California and was living life up on the beach like the above girl. I don't know exactly what each day will entail but this is what I want to do:

-go swimming
-make homemade corndogs (I've been dying to do this since I saw the recipe on tastespotting)
-get a snow cone
-read a book or magazine while catching some sun
-take bags and bags of clothes to DI so they don't take over my room all week (tomorrow sounds good)
-go to Sams Club and buy 2 boxes of oreos and airheads for EFY
-hang out with friends
-go on a nice drive one afternoon
-relax and do nothing
-wait for new shoes to get here summer.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Check That Ish.

Life of Miss Angela Lynnette Auten in Checklist Form:

1. Get windshield fixed. Check. (So when I called Father Auten ayer to wish him a happy daddy's day, he told me to fix HIS car with MY
2. Go to Chao's for gyoza wrappers and come home and make the delicious things. Tasty Check.
3. Hangout with Kamil before he leaves. Check.
4. Take Kamil to the airport and listen to airplanes like 84903 million times. Check.
5. Laugh out loud when Kamil has complications and holds up his entire flight. Giggling check.
6. Go to Nordy Rack and buy shoes you almost bought Friday and lusted after all weekend. Check.
7. Die in your bed and watch Pepper Ann, listen to current song lust (Mayday Parade is amazing) and drink horchata from Betos.
Check. Check. Check.
Done and Done.
Self Out.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Letter of the Day.

So in the ridiculous randomocity that is my life, I discoved that all the food I have or will consume in the next hour has started with the letter...
Let's see. We partied with pasta, punch, popcorn, and popsicles. I feel like the movies I watch tonight should start with the letter P as well but will probably pass on that. On a different note, we went to Kneaders today...their chicken pesto panini, divine! I was tempted to go back and have that for dinner but resisted. Oh and the book of awesome.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Sad. The Happy. The Moral.

Once upon a Friday (aka today), I was driving along in a construction zone when this unfortunate thing happened:
While I called my mommy almost in tears, I decided to count my blessings and realized:
1. I could have cracked my entire windshield instead of the baby crack I currently have.
2. I could have gotten in a horrible accident.
3. All of the above could have happened and I died.

Lesson learned: be grateful for the small things you are blessed with and move on with your life! So I went to Border's and bought this book that I said I would buy with my 1st EFY paycheck of the summer. In case you see me anytime this summer, this book may or may not be glued to my face.
I am Miss Angela Lynnette and therefore I am awesome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Work In Progress.

So far in raiding my closet, I have 3 bags like this and I'm sure i will have at least another 2 if not more by the time I finish. Some clothes I could hardly get rid of (and I had to talk myself through it sadly not a joke) and others I was too happy to get rid of. I have a feeling that the next time I head to DI, I will be seeing loads of my clothing.

Change Starts From Within.

My closet while not this bad is slightly OOC. I can rarely find what I'm looking for and even though I always claim to have "nothing to wear" I'm pretty sure my wardrobe could clothe many villages in Africa. Since I'm dying to buy new clothes, I've decided to get rid of all the stuff I won't wear and buy new stuff. After I go through my closet, I really may have nothing to wear but that will only last until this weekend when I go raid the malls of Ewwtah for new clothes.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vacation's Where I Wanna Be.

EFY is the BEST job ever! I love that for the next 2 weeks, I get to relax at home and do nothing but shovel (the below picture testifies of this) chips and pico de gallo into my mouth and bake baskets of baby muffins and stare at my ex crush out the window. Now if only my new crush will fall for me could my vacay get any better. Only napping on the tramp with my ney or being at the beach could top my life right now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ice Cream Headaches and Sweet Avalanche.

So I've been lusting after these for like months at Macey's but have been strong but today I succumbed under my cramps and almost died and went to heaven...umm, seriously so good. Like they might put something illegal in them they're that good. It was a happy ice cream bar experience for me. The dora popsicles will have to wait until this weekend when I eat all my otter pops and have nothing frozen to eat. I am determined to be a happy eater this week. I made these peanut sauce noodles which I knew would either be amazing or so gross since I HATE peanut butter and they were like beyond amazing. I might have to make them again tomorrow. I also bought everything for pico de gallo and got more hint of lime chips. I also made tacos and stuff for raspberry muffins even though I hate the taste of warm berries in stuff...gross. Life is good right now and I will be relaxing for the next 2 weeks and shopping in Sallake this weekend among other things. Oh, Rik and Michclle had their little baby and he is so dang cute. It made me baby hungry for like 0.00037 of a second until I realized I would have no life for 18+ plus years...umm no thank you! In case you are thinking I am a baby hating woman that wants to live life without children you are wrong. I want kids just not yet. Maybe in like 5 years after I've lived some? That sounds good.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Holy Tears Are Coming.

EFY week one is over. 5 more to go starting tomorrow. Usually I am the non emotional girl but the past week at EFY, I cried at least 3 times. It's really quite pathetic. What happened to Miss Angela Lynnette the emotionally detached? I kind of want the non crying me back. Today I saw the Blindside for the first time...oh my amazing. So many tears were shed and I cried within the 1st 15 minutes. This week at EFY was so great. I loved my girls and they taught me so much and hopefully they were able to get something out of everything I taught them. They called me mama all week so hopefully I was a good one. I need all the practice I can get. I hope this next week goes as well. At least I'll be working with Brad Lee Rhees and I couldn't be more excited about that. I love that kid. Also we're staying Helaman Halls which means eating at the cannon center! Now for a boy story: Once upon a time at EFY, I fell in love with a counselor and then found out that he had a girlfriend and got sad, the end. Maybe I'll crush on the way cute health counselor. That sounds nice.