Monday, September 26, 2011

It's baking time somewhere.

Apparently for me, baking time occurs between the late night hours of 10-1 pm. Who cares what time you bake though when pumpkin muffins are the outcome and the entire apartment smells like a fall spice scented heaven. Can we talk about the latest status of DR in which he referred to himself and his man posse as #provotools? Umm #junkpunchtheDBcrew and #douchebagjarfilled? Yikes and yikes again. I think I no longer care for that child. Also EJY liked this status that he was tagged in...sicknast. No more toolbox men please! I weep for their futures.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hurry up October.

I just want a reasonable excuse to go buy 5 million pumpkins to use as decoration for...myself. Also if the "I'm Ron Burgundy?" quote can get out of my head, that would be fab. Relief Society broadcast was rockstar. Forget me nots and visiting teaching are my current loves. Good games of the weekend went to Sirs Brownie and Dick and to the gorgeous In n Out boy's car. Also EJY can answer Shell's calls so I can stop creeping DR on the facebook and just creep him in real life. Please and thanks. High 5 to myself for making my apt smell like brownies.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Falling for you.

Fall is finally here and I'm so dang excited! I need to acquire some more sweaters and start bundling up at nights when I go out or just lounging at my casa. I love baking and I have a pumpkin bagel recipe with my name on it! I love the fall leaves and I want to drive up the canyon in about a week to snap a million pictures of its splendor. Hopefully fall will have me a little more dedicated to this here blog as well.