Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Long Weekend Festivites.

Memorial day weekend means summer is just around the corner. Mine was spent whooping it up with family in Wyoming working hard, having loads of laughs and eating a crap ton of food. There was never ending raking and mowing and brush burning but the yard looks 500 times better than it did with the long grass and weeds everywhere. I discovered than raking >weeding(so many bugs live in the dirt...sicknast) Raj and I died laughing at the little boys taking water breaks every 5 minutes and only fishing for 20. I was sad we didn't get to have cute little Ella bug with us but we will see her in a few weeks when we head down to California. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by!

Just a typical lovely day in the lovely Star Valley.
 Loveliest smokebombs I've ever set off. Who knew fireworks could double as art?
 We won't even get into the horrid state that is my face and outfit but I held that snake and didn't even drop it like some people. Snaps for me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday DP's should be mandatory.

Yesterday was just the kind of Monday that I needed to make my week be even more rockstar than usual. First shout out to the little brosef Dos on his 22nd year of life. I finally got my amazon gift card and ordered some cookbooks I've been lusting over for months. For FHE, we went to this assisted living home for young adults and they had a dance. It was pretty much everything I love about dances combined into one fab event. I saw some other EFY people there and that always leads to a joyous experience...pssht. I love that moment when you are dancing on the dance floor and feel self conscious because you have no friends and then all of a sudden your friends come in out of nowhere and chaos happens! This happened to me and I went from awkward friendless dancing girl to watch out Beyonce, I run the world (err...dance floor? yep.) We whooped it up for 2 hours and I loved seeing people's inhibitions fly out the window while they got down and dirty on the dance floor (Not to dirty though...this be the 801 yo) After dancing, I went to the market for much needed supplies (sour licorice belts and watermelon jelly bellys...what the unhealthy?) and since I was out, Yogurtland sucked me in to buying froyo even though I had Ben and Jerry waiting on me at home #sorryhombres. I had quite the feast while watching Beauty and the Beast and then killed myself doing arms and a squat challenge. I partied like it was my birthday and want to have a dance party every day now because it was tres fun. If only Nikki and Katherine would have been there too, it would have gone to even higher levels of awesomeness. 
These girls wish they went as hard as my girls and I went tonight. I think some people may have judged my dancing/wondering who this other side of Angela is...whatevs #alreadyoverit

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Reflections.

Today was great for about 500 different reasons but I'll just list a few:
-I finally have my fav gummy bears again 
-afternoon naps
-church was rockstar (JC leading music with a baton and holster for said baton attached to belt #priceless)
-smoothie breakfast
-leftover pizza for dinner is the best
-actually talking to people I don't know at ward prayer
-finding out cute boy did stay for summer and looked dang good working his red pants...feel free to #holla@yagirl ANYTIME!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Life Lately.

Weekends are fantastic yet they fly by so fast! I have been so out of it lately so I've decided I need to come up with things to do to keep me busy. Working out is something I've started to do and it has made such a difference in my day and is worth all the soreness. I need to invest in a yoga mat and some decent running shoes. I've also been eating less crap food and more healthy stuff. Fruit smoothies are my jam as of late. They almost make me consider giving up frozen yogurt...dang #dolewhippineapple. Also, I forgot how great He's Just Not That Into You is...story of my #datingfails. Gigi's story is pretty much my life. The sister's in the movie outtakes murder me! Feliz cumpleanos to my Jingle Bells! She's the bestest mother a girl like me could have and such a great example of what a wifey and mother should be. I hope she comes to visit me soon so we can celebrate in person!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dear May.

I love the change that a new month brings. May means summer is here in Utah and everyone and their mom is at Yogurtland 24/7...sick to the nast nast nast! What am I supposed to eat all summer long people? I've decided to adopt a workout routine and it is kicking my buns for real yo. I need to work on my fitness though if anyone expects me to go to 7 Peaks at all. I made a ridiculous amount of salsa for Cinco de Mayo and wish that it was here already! I love celebrating anything that involves eating my weight in Mexican food and drinking gallons of the ever delicious horchata...hi, get in my belly kthanks. Sunday, I'll def be rocking a maxi dress to hide any food babies. At least with all my working out, I can afford to eat the way I plan to come Saturday. May brings the national Jingle Bells month (mother's day + Jings' birthday), Dos' birthday and otter pop/shave ice season. Good thing I bought new clothes to wear since it looks like I plan on eating all summer according to this post #foodbabyforlife...yikes? Bring on the sweet summertime.