Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Happened to my Weekend?

Well I survived EFY training (free subway, J Dawgs and Cafe Rio might have eased the lengthy-ness of it all). Last night, Kamil Vish and I saw Tangled. Holy crap, I almost died from cuteness overload! I will need to by that when it comes out.
The relationship between the horse and Ryder killed me. Musu and I were laughing throughout the whole movie and crying by the end.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Procrastination Station.

I really should have majored in procrastination. I would totally have my doctorate in that biz already. At least my ECE is paying off by helping me make ridiculously rad rhymes. What is the best way to procrastinate when you have a lesson to work on for tomorrow you ask? Shredding a bowl full of queso at 5 to midnight. I love me some spicy cheddar for the midnight munchies. Can we talk about the fact that I have 14+ hours of EFY training this weekend? Good thing I love EFY.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Better Cheddar.

I like me some good old fashioned mac-ing. Not the computers (I do love these), or the blue box crap. Homemade mac and crack/cheese is the best. I haven't made it in forever and I tried this new recipe...bombtastic! Some of the best ever. Basically El Pollo Loco stat...yumfest.

2 thumbs up for deliciousness.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sometimes It's Worth It.

Remember how it decided to rain today right before I had to go to mutual?
Awesome, I hate rain.
Remember how after mutual it decided to snow and my car was covered?
Double awesome right? Too bad I hate snow even more.
Remember how I forgot to scrape my window and at the drive-thru, snow came pouring into my car and all over me?
Triple offense I say!
I guess it was worth it though for these little babies...t-t-t-t-t- tasty, tasty!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hannah Hanna Bo Banna.

Umm, hi. I strongly dislike bananas, aka "nanas". Everything is wrong about them from the texture to the fact that they turn brown 2 seconds after you open them and the taste? Blech. Barf. Gag me. I hates them nanas. On the other hand, very select nana breads? Divine! I made some of the best kind ever tonight (along with the best mashed taters in the history of my world) I'm a strange one somedays...and now, our feature presentation: "nanas"!
Silly face making nanas in a bunch, One's joyous, one's sad and one should be punched.
I need this nana sticker. I'm all about rocking stickers on my bod.

Alright, banana split yo.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Purple Turtle.

I love that my nails look like their naked but they're actually light sparkly purple. I feel J. Biebs would totally approve of my nails. Also I bought out Victoria's Secret yet again and talked to some ridiculously attractive men at Hollister. I really really really want Magelby's cake and breadstick. I totally need to see Tangled and it's going to be in the dollar theater. Weekend date with myself? Yes please.

Do You Wanna?

If not for reals, we can always pack our bags run, away to McDonalds and buy happiness in a box for $2.99.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Me Gusto Voleibol.

So last Friday night, I had one of the greatest evenings in the history of my life. Linds and I were going to the men's volleyball game and we were going to have Brian and Musu come too. I told Musu who of course made some dumb excuse so he probably could sit home and eat Panda and play games lame. I was supposed to text/call Brian but I totally forgot and then it made sense why he didn't show up. Sometimes I'm just brilliant and totally absent minded. Anywho, we started blowing up Brian's phone with our calls and texts (I'm pretty sure a "holy F" was said in my angst) and we decided that if he didn't respond to us or show up by 8 pm, we so weren't going to respond to him until the next day. Good thing he decided to respond and show up by 7:40 (he even ran to the Smith fieldhouse...bless his little soul!) And now presenting parts of the fab evening with photographic evidence:

Linds, Ang,, love, love us. Not so much love for the man who decided to photobomb the pic.
Linds and I waiting for Brian to respond to us and making all the people behind us jeals that they weren't taking 5 billion pics too.
Linds wanted a kissing face picture so naturally this happened. Pure joy captured on film.
Brian said that he would only do a kissy face if he caught me doing it out of the peripheral of his vision. Good thing he caught that.
Linds and Brian.

The rest of the evening entailed fighting over who wasn't going to drive (Linds flat out said NO and Brian claimed that he has lost the gift since the mish...seriously, I died) attempts to call Musu (who still didn't answer his phone) attempts to eat at Jason's deli, eating at the always delicious 5 guys, talking about dating with Brian, singing in the car, and Linds forcing Brian and I to hold hands (I think he still may be traumatized by this...whoops). All in all, such a great night with the greatest friends! Repeat soon? Sign me up baby!