Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Good new: the concert last night may have been one of the best I've been to yet. JR is basically everthing CB is and more minus the beatings. I want everything about that man. Popcorn chicken at sonic...divine! B.o.B's keyboardist was basically Lil Wayne 's long lost brother. Witnessed B.o.B doing some dancing in a total drunken state...greatest. I have food again!

Bad news: Shels got a ticket on the way back from the concert last night, I'm still freaking sick and have been sneezing OOC! I googled to see if you could die by sneezing and you totally can...gross! I need to get better asap.

All I want right now is some hot chocolate and I'm all out..yuck! I don't feel well enough to go out and get some either. JR would help too.

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