Tuesday, June 22, 2010

5 Days of Freedom.

That's all I have left until I will live the next 3 weeks by the strict perfected schedule that EFY follows. If only I had gone home to California and was living life up on the beach like the above girl. I don't know exactly what each day will entail but this is what I want to do:

-go swimming
-make homemade corndogs (I've been dying to do this since I saw the recipe on tastespotting)
-get a snow cone
-read a book or magazine while catching some sun
-take bags and bags of clothes to DI so they don't take over my room all week (tomorrow sounds good)
-go to Sams Club and buy 2 boxes of oreos and airheads for EFY
-hang out with friends
-go on a nice drive one afternoon
-relax and do nothing
-wait for new shoes to get here

Umm...love summer.

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