Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today Musu's complex had a BBQ so we went with his roomies. It was good even though Rik and Vish couldn't eat hardly anything. After that Musu really wanted to swim since some people in his ward were swimming. Since Vish was heading to bed, I went swimming with him and we played basketball (somehow I was ridiculously good). Then we came in and watched a movie. When it said the F word, Aaron decided to make fun of my "prudeness" and said that if it dropped the F bomb one more time, It would have to be rated R. I have a feeling they'll never let me live that down but whatevs. I loved when Musu called him an exhibitionist since his shirt was off for 95 percent of the night. I mean, yeah you have a hot bod but if I'm not topless too, you can't be. He said that I was impulsive since I like to buy stuff and eat out a lot...kind of true. He also said I'll probably be in debt in a few, thanks for having hope in my ability to budget Aaron. Love you too. Psh, I'm Angela Lynnette and I do what I want. Oh my cute, so when I was mentioning how I wanted a happy meal from McD's, Scott told me that he would go get one for me. When I told him, I could do it he said he would go with me. Umm, I'm pretty sure my heart wanted to melt into a puddle of happiness. I kind of like that boy a lot. 

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