Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Noisy Noise Annoys an Oyster.

Try saying that 5 times fast. Many things tend to annoy me and I swear Fatty is one step away from me seriously slashing his tires for reals. I might as well text the boy and be like "shape up son or your wheels won't roll no mo fo sho!" So I've decided to get a comp book and write down all the annoying things that happen so I don't vent all about things you could care less about and you can hear more about my basically non existent life. Yesterday was my 22nd birthing day...gag me. I spent it with my parents and my lovely niece surprise of Miss Tiggy Rache. We ate and shopped our hearts out and watched food network <3>

1. Angela Lynnette Auten is pretty much the best name in the history of the world EVER.
2. Over 50 percent of my wardrobe is black.
3. I still love pink.
4. I gave up soda this year and hopefully for life except for super exceptions.
5. I hope my future husband likes it hot because I sleep with at least 3 blankets on the bed and 1 to cuddle with.
6. In case you got excited by the "future husband" part, I regret to inform you that I'm still very much single with no dating partner potential.
7. One of my greatest lover/friend boys Jake comes home in like a month...about freaking time right?
8. Baking is the best antidepressant I've found.
9. I would choose an ipod classic over an ipod touch anyday...too bad i have the stupid touch one.
10. My family is (I can't believe I just said that...ewwface)
11. Emoticons make me vomit.
12. Since thanksgiving break, I've gained 10 pounds...holy schnike!
13. I want summer already.
14. Dancing is my hot hot sex.
15. I've kissed _ boys...oh the suspense!
16. I like painting my nails and coloring in my Hello Kitty coloring books.
17. My 14 niece would get hit on by a guy in MY class before me.
18. I love teaching little kids.
19. Gossip Girl is my secret obsession and I want Chuck Bass.
20. Facebook is not so cool anymore (last thing I ever thought I'd say).
21. I want to live in the dirty south once I graduate.
22. Chapstick and lotion keep me alive in this nasty Utard weather.
Con amor, Angela Lynnette.

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