Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Stomach,

Since when do you stick out and provide legit rolls when I sit down? I knew people started losing their hot bod when they get older but dear stomach, I'm only almost 22! Let me keep the hot bod at least until I get married ok? What if I don't get married you say? At least give me, 30 then you and I can have a little chat akay? 

Love, Angewa Wynnette

PS- I miss my little Chin Win. I love school and teaching. This kid Luke is kind of in love with me and I love it! Oh btw, Mr. "I hate texting, so call me and when you call and I don't answer it's because I can't hang out with you and when I've used up all of the other excuses, it's because I'm bad with phones"-aka Fatty had his birthday last friday and in response to my sarcastic "I hate you but since it's your birthday, I'll try not to be a B" text, he said "Thanks Angela ;)"...If emoticons aren't bad enough by their :) and :( selves, he had the freaking nerve to winky face at me...eww, vomitrocious!

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