Today was the birthday of Father Auten and I called him in the early hours to wish his day well. How I love those parents of mine! The activities committee met and had a snowflake making fiesta while listening to some Justin Bieber christmas jams. The best is when the boys decided to change all the lyrics to the songs and it was all kinds of ridiculousness. Last night, I went out with Shellie and crew to deliver gifts for the Angel tree program and it was so fun. I had only wished more people had answered their phones since we only went to one house! We got to see the pictured house in its decked out glory. I'm just loving the season right now! My friday night will be spent going to the temple and then indulging in the 12 days of yumminess at yogurtland. Please have cran rasp tart again. Also on the agenda is an evening of christmas movie watching and craft making with the aid of my dear friend pinterest. Saturday is our ward Christmas breakfast at 9 am! Kill me now for being on the activities committee and having to go early. At least we get to wear our pj's. Even if we weren't supposed to, I would have rocked them anyways. Christmas light looking might be on the agenda too. I love me some christmas lights!