Fall Wardrobe Staples.
Hello stripes and plaids. Please cool down soon so I can finally wear you all day errday...kthanksbye. My life be like the bomb. Teacherlyness is the bestest. So we finally got our hot water turned on today and I don't think I've been more grateful for anything in my life. #coldshowersareforcrazies. Can we also mention that one box of my jewelry got lost/accidently donated to DI during the move and I want to cry a little. Goodbye juicy couture earrings that I've worn for half of my life and also most of the rest of my hoop earrings...gross. If you see me and I look totally under accessorized, you now know why and can't judge mkay? Can't it just be Friday already and time for the ward tailgate party? My bishop owns the Harley Davidson dealership around here and he's bringing the Marley's trailer and I thought I was going to cry when that was announced during church on Sunday. #Idieovertheirsliders. I'm so excited to have a steamy hot shower tonight with super hot water. Seriously so grateful for hot water!
1 comment:
I wish I could say the same---regarding warm weather. The weather in Michigan goes from 90 degrees to 55 within hours . . .I HATE it!!! I'm happy that this week is going to be nice and cool. Funny but I never thought I'd be looking for the Fall so soon :) Isn't life funny? Indeed, aha.
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