Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just Let Me Live to Tell the Tale.

I've been the worst about writing lately but I have had so much going on right now. Classes are over and finals will be over for me on Tuesday. Wednesday will be spent packing and cleaning. Thursday and Friday are graduation days and party with the fam/spend time with friends before we all get real lives and move away from dear little Provo and Saturday will be spent driving home to dear California where we are homeless for the week...rocking right? I just might die without a kitchen so I've been cooking like nobody's biz instead of studying...whoops. In the past 36 hours I have made the following: spicy chili, strawberry jam, paneer twice (one batch failed and the other was beyond successful), wheat bread, butter paneer on top of a naan cooked pizza style, and strawberry butter. So if you see me around and I've gained 739825902 pounds, you'll know why. I'm so excited to go to California though even though living gypsy style is so not my thing. Hopefully this week goes by faster than ever. School can't end fast enough but apparently college grad life, yikes?!

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