Memorial day weekend means summer is just around the corner. Mine was spent whooping it up with family in Wyoming working hard, having loads of laughs and eating a crap ton of food. There was never ending raking and mowing and brush burning but the yard looks 500 times better than it did with the long grass and weeds everywhere. I discovered than raking >weeding(so many bugs live in the dirt...sicknast) Raj and I died laughing at the little boys taking water breaks every 5 minutes and only fishing for 20. I was sad we didn't get to have cute little Ella bug with us but we will see her in a few weeks when we head down to California. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by!

Just a typical lovely day in the lovely Star Valley.
Loveliest smokebombs I've ever set off. Who knew fireworks could double as art?
We won't even get into the horrid state that is my face and outfit but I held that snake and didn't even drop it like some people. Snaps for me.
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