Saturday, May 19, 2012

Life Lately.

Weekends are fantastic yet they fly by so fast! I have been so out of it lately so I've decided I need to come up with things to do to keep me busy. Working out is something I've started to do and it has made such a difference in my day and is worth all the soreness. I need to invest in a yoga mat and some decent running shoes. I've also been eating less crap food and more healthy stuff. Fruit smoothies are my jam as of late. They almost make me consider giving up frozen yogurt...dang #dolewhippineapple. Also, I forgot how great He's Just Not That Into You is...story of my #datingfails. Gigi's story is pretty much my life. The sister's in the movie outtakes murder me! Feliz cumpleanos to my Jingle Bells! She's the bestest mother a girl like me could have and such a great example of what a wifey and mother should be. I hope she comes to visit me soon so we can celebrate in person!

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