Thursday, November 1, 2012
November Photo Challenge
I love instagram (who doesn't?) and taking pictures. Check out the #photochallenge for November @lalynnauten. Today's challenge was something that starts with the letter C so I chose cheerwine.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Halloween Success.
Oh hey people! I'm totally alive yet not according to social media (except the occassion tweet about how dang attractive @AustinBrown and @CullenJones are #heyboyhey) My life has pretty much been a super sped up course of mission prep these days and I still feel so unprepared but I know the Lord is going to bless me so much and puts my mind at ease about my mission everyday. I will miss some things about my normal everyday life but my mission will be so rewarding I know I won't even have those things on my mind. I'm so excited to be in Houston in a few short months and speaking spanish. I totally creep on every spanish conversation these days. I love halloween and will miss dressing up next year but will back to my normal traditions come halloween 2014! Here's what went down this year:
A pumpkin was carved.
$2 boorito bowls (yep, that's plural #fatkidinthemakin) at chipotle with my church crew
Dear future children, hope you like your future costumes because this is so happening (given that I marry and "get busy")
Yours fierce #RAWR
Such a great night. Things not pictured: the cupcakes I made with the most divine chocolate frosting known to mankind, roasted pumpkin seeds, cute little Lita-saurus, pizza, the gorgeous full moon, my ever growing food baby (you're welcome) and the candy stash since the only trick or treater we had was Lita Pita Pie. Hocus Pocus is calling me to finish out all hallows eve properly so tootles!
Houston TX baby,
life in CA
Friday, September 7, 2012
I Couldn't Have Called It Better Myself.
Remember that time that I moved from Provo and then blogged from Wyoming about a month ago and the world pretty much assumed I died on the road to California? (Unless you instacreep on me and know that I so live on there) Hi, I be back. Since I got back to the lovely California sun, I've been shopping my heart out, receiving 5 million packages and things in the mail, and eating all the time. I recently received the most important and exciting mail I will probably ever get in my entire life. It came all official like and from my church headquarters all the way in SLC. I got my call and then made my family wait until all that could be home were there to open it. I thought my mom was going to rip it open behind my back but she restrained herself. I was oh so relieved when I opened it and saw that I would be going to Houston, Texas. That I could so handle (heat, good food and urbanization...I'm so in) I just hope I can catch a glimpse of my idol Beyonce or her rocking sister Solange while I'm there. We won't even mention the fact that I'm going to be speaking the espanol which I'm pretty sure is my most loved language. Being fluent will provide me with so many opportunities post mission even if it is just creeping on other peoples convos. I'm so excited to join the ranks of hermanas come December!
I will need to locate a postcard like this to send home.
I love big cities like nothing else. Can we say shopping spree once I'm released?!
This is darling. I love Houston already and I'm not even there yet!
Houston TX baby,
life in CA,
Friday, August 3, 2012
And a legacy lives on.
If I could name 3 things I love (aside from the ever so cliche family and church stuff which are so obviously numero uno priotities) they would be food, sleep, and music (even though shopping will too often surpass sleep or food...#anniversarysale) in no particular order. Music can be heard coming from mi casa during most of my waking hours. I pretty much love it all with the exception of country...gag me! As most human beings, I love me some MJ and remember shedding tears with my mom in the parking lot of Trader Joes when I heard the news of his passing. I still play my MJ cd (old school is cool sometimes) in my car even though it's skipping in the worst way and I should just play it on my iPod but can't bring myself to do it. While reading a blog, I stumbled upon this beauty of a man named Austin Brown. He already had my heart for having impeccable man style and looks that could melt me to the floor but then he had to go and be MJ's nephew. Being me, I had to listen to his music video and died of its sheer perfection, his sweet dance moves and that voice. I give you Mr. Austin Brown:
How many men can make a sweater look this good? (Not counting Bill Cosby)
Vintage man styling done so right
Ah, this outfit slays me dead in the best possible way!
Watch it, collect yourself and repeat.
Goals after this: attend his concert, meet him and consider offering him my wifey material resume. #doingMJproud
heart vibes,
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Oh so fierce.
Hi, I'm alive but until men's swimming ends on the Olympics I may be semi dead on here (Here's looking at you Ryan Lochte, Nathan Adrian and dying over the attractiveness that is Cullen Jones #teamusa). Shoot if mangawking was an olympic sport, I'd be #winning golds yo. In between checking out swimmers and eating my weight in otter pops, I've been dying over Queen B's tumblr In case you didn't know, I die over all thing Beyonce and I also love her equally adorable sister Solange. Like "when I grow up, I wanna be Beyonce" in love. She rocks her body and her curves and is such a positive role model in the world of singers. On her site, it has a ton of photos from her private life since she doesn't sell out to the media for millions for her photos like so many other famous people. I still marvel that she posted her baby pictures since People magazine and so many others were willing to pay millions for the pictures of her little munchie. I would have sold my child out for sure...hence reason #67 why I'm still single.
Their style slays me dead. The natural curls and the headscarf. Too gorgeous.
When has Spidey looked this good? (Andrew Garfield is a real close 2nd)
Black frames, red lips, and ballet bun = blogger chic
Goals for life starting now:
1. Get a real bf so I can stop having 500 fake ones/loving all the single swimmers on team USA
2. Bring out my inner diva and try to be half as darling and sassy as Beyonce
3. Try to eat only half my weight in otter pops
Baby steps y'all.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Free things are my favorite.
In case you haven't picked up a fact of my life, I live to shop (and eat and sleep but that's not the point of emphasis). I love it so much. Thank goodness for my bank account, I've perfected the art of window shopping and trying things on and buying them later when they're on super sale. No shopping day is as hallowed as the starting day of the Nordstrom anniversary sale, aka Black Friday for the wealthy. It's tradition for all the women in my family in the area to gather at an unearthly hour and make our trek to the best Nordstrom in the area and wait for those "golden gates" to open at 8 am. This year, my sister and niece where not able to attend in person and mi madre was driving up to Utah but wouldn't be anywhere near me so I had to go on my own. Normally this isn't a big deal given that the nearest Nordstrom was in Orem, a mere 10 minute drive. Since that one shutdown, I had to drive to the next closest one in Murray adding another 30 minutes to my drive. I debated whether or not to go when my inbox received an email from Nordstrom. It told me that if I printed out the email I would get a mystery gift card with anywhere from $10 to $200 to spend as I'd like. I'm a girl who loves free stuff and decided that if nothing else good came of the sale, I would have $10 to put towards my purchases of the day. Imagine my surprise as I cashed in that glorious email and received this:
Me: "Wait, what?!"
Saleslady: "You have $100 to spend as you please, happy shopping!"
Umm, greatest day of shopping ever! I love when shopping involves me not spending a cent out of my pocket. Who knew Nordstrom would love me so much!
It doesn't seem like much for $100 but I'm a happy little camper. Oh so needed shoes for exercising, rockstar smelling body washes, cutest pink nail polish ever and much needed blush and some samples. Lessons to learn: read yo emails kids. Sometimes there are gems in the 5 billion messages you receive from stores.
good times,
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Mother what?!
Hi, my name is Angela Lynnette and I love Lil Wayne. While his lifestyle is as different as can be from mine (oh hey, I'm LDS) I still love my ghetto dirty rap music (mine are the clean versions that are missing a quarter of the it). When my life is as boring as all get out and I have nothing to do, I #tweetstalk my celeb faves. I happened upon Mr. Carter's account and scrolled back until I saw this gem and then died laughing, revived and died again. Glad to see someone covered mother nature on mother's day. I'm pretty sure this wins in my heart for tweet of the year. You can call me Miss Carter or Miss Lawnmower anytime Weezy. I'm so pumped for the weekend and spending time with family and friends. Also if you haven't seen the new Spiderman movie, go now! I loved it so much I paid full price to see it in the real theater and everything and went by myself. #dedicated Love me some Emma and Andrew cuteness!
hood rat things,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Sunday Highlights.
Sundays are such a highlight to my weekend. When else does one get a true break from the everyday duties to just relax, slow down and marvel all that we truly have in life despite all the craziness. Somedays I'm all about bullet points yo.
-sleeping in
-rushed breakfasting while church prepping
-church attending (church was so what I needed in everyway today)
-activity committee planning
-package receiving (thank you neighbor for finally being home when I came over-only took you 5 days to get on board)
-book reading
-dinner eating
-rain watching with the window open (can we say glorious?)
If the rest of this week continues on this same level of awesomeness, I'll be a happy camper (sans real camping of course...ugh #killmenow)
-sleeping in
-rushed breakfasting while church prepping
-church attending (church was so what I needed in everyway today)
-activity committee planning
-package receiving (thank you neighbor for finally being home when I came over-only took you 5 days to get on board)
-book reading
-dinner eating
-rain watching with the window open (can we say glorious?)
If the rest of this week continues on this same level of awesomeness, I'll be a happy camper (sans real camping of course...ugh #killmenow)
listing it out,
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
It started off like any other day...
The 4th involved many things I love. Hot dogs, red vines, fireworks, watching the sandlot, hanging out with friends, giving myself a "calories don't count" day, kettle corn, sleeping in, otter pops, parade attending, and donning my Riri wig once $10 I ever spent I tell you.
The typical peace sign pose
The far from normal "I'm creeping on you with my one good eye with my eyemask on" that was immediately sent to Pasc, Los and Tiggy Rache.
My inner fat kid loving on red vines/reason #412 as to why someone this attractive might possibly be single.
fat kid in the making,
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Teach me how to swim.
It all started with my July issue of glamour magazine. I got it the day I left on vacay but left it in Utah. Upon my return, I saw said magazine but was distracted by other things (read: food) and but off reading its glossy pages for a few days. While drying my nails, I saw said magazine and casually flipped through until I discovered a small photo of ridiculously attractive shirtless men on the edge of a pool. A few pages, my wildest dreams came true and photos of said swimmers became a full page spread. After collecting myself, I finished said magazine only to go search in my archives for Cosmopolitan's bachelor issue from 2011 to continue attractive manfest. After deeming most of said bachelors decent but not nearly as visually stimulating as the Team USA swimmers, I once again returned to the glamour magazine. After another session of mangawking, one thing lead to another and I was googling the USA swim roster, which lead to google searches, twitter perusing and youtube viewing #rutroh. My personal favorite is Mr. Ryan Lochte with Cullen Jones in a close second. I'm pretty sure Ryan and I would be good friends for multiple reasons. Our mutual love of fashion, sttractive cars, heated pools and love of rap music. When I read that not only is his favorite rapper Lil Wayne as well (though I love Drake almost as much who Ryan has met...jeals) but his dog is named Carter after him. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. Feast your eyes on this #mancandy...
Hi, my name is Ryan. I have nice arms and make this shirt look real good and the USA has never looked better on anyone and I can smoulder like whoa.
I die for any boy with dimples period but add a rockstar smile, perfect teeth, hot body AND a face that attractive and I'm nearly dead.
Why yes, I'm rocking a grill in my mouth. Thanks for noticing. Since when do grills look this good on people for real?
I die over his man fashion. Skinny tie + whit shirt + studded suit = killed it.
Hey boy hey! Any man who can rock this style is worthy of my loving. #holla@yagurrrl
I'm pretty sure I'll be watching men's swimming during the Olympics this year to check out men if nothing else and to end in true "Reezy" fashion #jeah
(In case you were put off by the title, I totally know how to swim but I'd be willing to learn 5 more times if Mr. Lochte were my teacher...wouldn't you?)
heart vibes,
Saturday, June 16, 2012
CA Loving.
This bear proves that vacations in California are the beary best! (Really does life get any better than sun, swimming, food, family and the BEST shopping ever? I think not!) Recap when I get back to Ewwtah.
good times,
life in CA,
Friday, June 8, 2012
MIA Much?
Despite the fact that it's summer and I should basically be posting all the awesomeness I've been up to lately, this week has been so incredibly boring and will continue to be until Monday...hopefully. All that's occurred lately:
-getting my car fixed
-getting my tires rotated and the air pressure checked
-working on a talk for this Sunday in church
-sleeping in
-getting so much mail
-walking around because it's the cool thing to do
-wanting it to be Sunday afternoon already so I have no obligations
-exchanging purchases at the mall
Next week will bring loads more excitement due to my brief vacation in the lovely Southern California minus the fact that there will be 13 people in one very tiny house...Until Monday people!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Long Weekend Festivites.
Memorial day weekend means summer is just around the corner. Mine was spent whooping it up with family in Wyoming working hard, having loads of laughs and eating a crap ton of food. There was never ending raking and mowing and brush burning but the yard looks 500 times better than it did with the long grass and weeds everywhere. I discovered than raking >weeding(so many bugs live in the dirt...sicknast) Raj and I died laughing at the little boys taking water breaks every 5 minutes and only fishing for 20. I was sad we didn't get to have cute little Ella bug with us but we will see her in a few weeks when we head down to California. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by!

Just a typical lovely day in the lovely Star Valley.
Loveliest smokebombs I've ever set off. Who knew fireworks could double as art?
We won't even get into the horrid state that is my face and outfit but I held that snake and didn't even drop it like some people. Snaps for me.
good times,
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Monday DP's should be mandatory.
Yesterday was just the kind of Monday that I needed to make my week be even more rockstar than usual. First shout out to the little brosef Dos on his 22nd year of life. I finally got my amazon gift card and ordered some cookbooks I've been lusting over for months. For FHE, we went to this assisted living home for young adults and they had a dance. It was pretty much everything I love about dances combined into one fab event. I saw some other EFY people there and that always leads to a joyous experience...pssht. I love that moment when you are dancing on the dance floor and feel self conscious because you have no friends and then all of a sudden your friends come in out of nowhere and chaos happens! This happened to me and I went from awkward friendless dancing girl to watch out Beyonce, I run the world ( floor? yep.) We whooped it up for 2 hours and I loved seeing people's inhibitions fly out the window while they got down and dirty on the dance floor (Not to dirty though...this be the 801 yo) After dancing, I went to the market for much needed supplies (sour licorice belts and watermelon jelly bellys...what the unhealthy?) and since I was out, Yogurtland sucked me in to buying froyo even though I had Ben and Jerry waiting on me at home #sorryhombres. I had quite the feast while watching Beauty and the Beast and then killed myself doing arms and a squat challenge. I partied like it was my birthday and want to have a dance party every day now because it was tres fun. If only Nikki and Katherine would have been there too, it would have gone to even higher levels of awesomeness.
These girls wish they went as hard as my girls and I went tonight. I think some people may have judged my dancing/wondering who this other side of Angela is...whatevs #alreadyoverit
dance fiestas,
fat kid in the making,
good times,
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sunday Reflections.
Today was great for about 500 different reasons but I'll just list a few:
-I finally have my fav gummy bears again
-afternoon naps
-church was rockstar (JC leading music with a baton and holster for said baton attached to belt #priceless)
-smoothie breakfast
-leftover pizza for dinner is the best
-actually talking to people I don't know at ward prayer
-finding out cute boy did stay for summer and looked dang good working his red pants...feel free to #holla@yagirl ANYTIME!
-I finally have my fav gummy bears again
-afternoon naps
-church was rockstar (JC leading music with a baton and holster for said baton attached to belt #priceless)
-smoothie breakfast
-leftover pizza for dinner is the best
-actually talking to people I don't know at ward prayer
-finding out cute boy did stay for summer and looked dang good working his red pants...feel free to #holla@yagirl ANYTIME!
listing it out,
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Life Lately.
Weekends are fantastic yet they fly by so fast! I have been so out of it lately so I've decided I need to come up with things to do to keep me busy. Working out is something I've started to do and it has made such a difference in my day and is worth all the soreness. I need to invest in a yoga mat and some decent running shoes. I've also been eating less crap food and more healthy stuff. Fruit smoothies are my jam as of late. They almost make me consider giving up frozen yogurt...dang #dolewhippineapple. Also, I forgot how great He's Just Not That Into You is...story of my #datingfails. Gigi's story is pretty much my life. The sister's in the movie outtakes murder me! Feliz cumpleanos to my Jingle Bells! She's the bestest mother a girl like me could have and such a great example of what a wifey and mother should be. I hope she comes to visit me soon so we can celebrate in person!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Dear May.
I love the change that a new month brings. May means summer is here in Utah and everyone and their mom is at Yogurtland 24/7...sick to the nast nast nast! What am I supposed to eat all summer long people? I've decided to adopt a workout routine and it is kicking my buns for real yo. I need to work on my fitness though if anyone expects me to go to 7 Peaks at all. I made a ridiculous amount of salsa for Cinco de Mayo and wish that it was here already! I love celebrating anything that involves eating my weight in Mexican food and drinking gallons of the ever delicious horchata...hi, get in my belly kthanks. Sunday, I'll def be rocking a maxi dress to hide any food babies. At least with all my working out, I can afford to eat the way I plan to come Saturday. May brings the national Jingle Bells month (mother's day + Jings' birthday), Dos' birthday and otter pop/shave ice season. Good thing I bought new clothes to wear since it looks like I plan on eating all summer according to this post #foodbabyforlife...yikes? Bring on the sweet summertime.
fat kid in the making,
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Sicky Sick Face.
Remember how I had MAJOR plans for this weekend that involved being anywhere away from my casa except to sleep? Obviously I needed to chill and be miserable all weekend long. Needless to say, I am officially caught up on every tv show I care to watch, blogstalked the planet, and have lived on a fluid diet the past 36 hours. I have the most rotten timing for getting ill ever! Why can't I ever get sick when I actually go home where my loving mother can tend to my every whim?! Instead I get the joy of slaving over making myself better and knowing my luck, I'll be 110 percent better by Monday morning. I'm excited to eat normal people food again, especially since I had a long overdue date for making pizza and cookies. When I kick this sore scratchy throat of death, I'm going to throw a fiesta for one. Also dear roommate, I am so not picky when it comes to guys. To be picky, one must have guys to pick from and...yeah, I got nothing. Not even one man to pick and reject. Thanks for bringing that one up for the 2nd time. 3rd times a charm, no?
sicky sick face life,
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Guess who's back?
Not Shady unless that's a secret alias I'm unaware of for myself. Life's been super busy around these parts and over the past few months I've been everywhere from the snow covered mountains in Wyoming to the toasty sun in Southern California. I've picked up some new addictions draw something app, instagram (still don't get how to find my peoples even check my own pics online...#socialmediachallengedmuch?), talenti gelato in sea salt caramel...goodbye waistline! I love traveling to "Sallake" to hang with my crew and eat/shop/people watch. (I actually people watch anytime, anywhere especially on DR, what?) I'm so grateful the weather is getting nicer and hopefully I can start rocking sandals all day, everyday and laying out and getting my skin cancer on. I need to find a way to move into Britt's house so I can swim/hot tub/just dance. Since my 2 week vacation, I hadn't seen my Friday temple people and they are such darling old dears! I am still up in arms about whether Friday or Wednesday is "better" for me (wednesday-super fine brother working or friday-fav old people...decisions decisions) I am looking forward to summer fruit sales so I can make smoothies and salsa for every meal. Summer 2012 is going to be a good one, I can feel it. I just need to make some more friends so my life will be more social in the sun and a little less book reading in the library.

going MIA,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
New Month, New Challenges.

Monday, January 9, 2012
Bring It 2012!

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