I come home from school and lay in bed like this. I keep sneezing every 5 seconds it seems like. and once again, my tissue box is almost empty. What the nasty is wrong with me? I keep feeling like I'm going to hurl but it hasn't happened yet thank goodness! I just pray I won't get sick in class with my preschoolers tomorrow while getting graded for IL. Nothing says an A+ like vomiting in 20 students and 4 other teachers...NOT! That's the last thing my sickened state needs. Oh P freaking S world. So I get on facie and see that Fatty is friends with probably the most obnoxious girl in Provo (and maybe the planet) I question my friend about it and she says she went over and they all hung out...umm slightly annoyed? Hopefully Fatty injures himself at the gym for being a complete jerk and I may have to slash my friends tires for being a complete Retard with a capital R.
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