Am I Really Doing This Forever?
See this monster of a van? Well for my teaching class, we were taking the kids on a field trip and I was told I wouldn't be driving and was thoroughly relieved. However once I got to school this morning, I learned that one of us that wasn't driving would have to bring a van back anyways since our teacher was driving us over and guess who the other girl volunteered? I'm pretty sure I shot her a seething glance of death and somehow she survived. Then I went and picked up the above "boat" in a lovely maroon and drove it back. Guess what? In big stupid vans, the drivers seat doesn't move forward. I felt like I was too little to be driving such a giant car. In the end, it wasn't that bad and I was def one of the better van drivers so yay me! All in all, it served as a great form of keeping my children numbers down and not having 7+ kids...even the 3 monsters I want to have is pushing it.
While on our lovely preschool field trip, we had to walk everywhere all connected like this and holding hands. It was quite the adventure to say the least. I have 2 boys that would run while holding hands and 2 girls that wanted to walk at snailspeed so our line looked a little more like / instead of a nice straight line of cute happy children. How teachers ever manage field trips with classes of 30+ kids is beyond me. I will be one of those teachers that makes the parents live at school with their children so I don't strangle them. As much as teaching can be crazy and chaotic, it is still the thing I'm meant to do unless I'm supposed to drop out of BYU and go into culinary school which would be freaking sweet! Now on an entirely different note, remember how I called Fatty and he never answered and I left him a v-mail and he never responded and how I texted him and the douche of all douches still had nothing to say back? Well he finally texted me back yesterday saying that yes he got my message and they got my stuff and how amazing it was (I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm 100 percent sure he would not even breathe the same air that my cookies had been in since he's basically anorexic. He must have just listened to what his roommate said about them and took his word for it) and then thanked me and then put (no emoticon) at the end. At least he got that shiz straight. I hate his usual smiley face :) or the even worse Lalynn's nightmare of an emoticon, the winky face ;)...freaking gag me.
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