Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rise Above.

Let's start off by summing up the happy parts of the weekend, shall we? Here we go:
Friday-received the BEST letter ever from Elder Michael Edward Byrd.
Saturday-Ward activity up in SLC with dinner at the Lion House.
Sunday-Checking out the new total hottie (readers: he ever has glasses) at church + making the perfect BBQ chicken pizza + hanging out with the foreigns.

Bad new-my one friend is seriously going to get cut. so so so dumb doesn't even begin to describe them. ugh, i have the worst luck picking legit girl friends. Thank the Lord for my freaking amazing guy friends because without them, I would fall apart into a million little pieces. When you get into people being as my niece and I dub them "crappy people" you just got to smile and decide to be a better friend to all those that you have so that you'lll never be like them.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekend Plans.

Watching Arthur on youtube. Gotta love reliving the good old days when you woke up at the crack of dawn to watch cartoons Saturday morning.
I will also be lusting after this car. I'm pretty sure that is the hottest color blue I have ever seen on a car. Too bad most jeeps come stickshift...dumb. If only Fatty had this jeep instead of his stupid yellow one, I would have seduced him and traded cars...well maybe not. I do love my baby car. Have the greatest weekend ever people and if you want a new song to love, listen to "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. I'm in love with it and can't stop singing it: "Alabama, Arkansas I do love my ma and pa". Look up the vid on youtube. It screams Indie-tastic. Loves yo. (I meant to say yo and not you just FYI)

Friday, February 26, 2010

I Scream. Eyes Creme. Ice Cream.

I love girl scout cookies for these cookies but until my order comes, I'll survive off this. Good thing I got the 2nd to last carton at Target. I would have lost it until I found it. When will people realize samoas are indeed the best girl scout cookies? Thin Mints and Tagalongs are nasty. Oh BTW, homemade BBQ Chicken pizza was a huge success...last time I go to CPK.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Awk to the Max.

Boys make me nervous period. Extremely attractive boys make me super nervous. Extremely attractive boys in glasses make weak with nerves (shoot, any boy with glasses can do that to me). Half naked boys make me so awkward I feel like swimming to Antarctica, crawling under a rock and dying slightly. Imagine Miss Angela Lynnette going to Fatty's house all by herself (I was so sick to my stomach, I thought I was going to hurl) to get her plate back and being faced by his roommate + future BIL in the extremely half naked boy with glasses reality...I almost passed out with awkward nerves. I swear if this ever happens again, I'm gonna slash Fatty's tires, break his phone, and punch him in the face. I would post a picture of this boy I saw so you can see how amazing his bod is but knowing my luck he'd see this and I'd be forced to kill something. On a happy note, tomorrow is the last day of my 7:45 am class. Can you say yippee skippy peanut butter for 12 pm class everyday for the rest of the semester? I will!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

One of the Best Songs EVER.

Once upon a time, I absolutely HATED Coldplay. Anytime one of their songs came on the radio or on someone's ipod, I would dive across a couch, nearly crash the car, and nearly smashed the musical device playing the vile music and was willing to take out any person that even dared to stop me. When their album Viva la Vida came out, I scoffed at the fact that they had come up with another album. As any good music critic, I will listen to anything at least 3 times before I truly can say I hate it. I looked up their album on good old itunes and listened to about half the songs and saying that I was NOT a fan. I got to the song "Violet Hill" and thought that I would continue on my quest of Coldplay hating. Once the 30 seconds of the itunes clip was I, shock set in: I really liked it. Too make certain I wasn't just getting the only good part of the song, I looked it up on youtube and watched the music vid to come up with this realization: really liked it was an understatement. I was basically OBSESSED. I still am and from then on, I kind of like Coldplay. If you haven't heard "Violet Hill" watch this clip now ok? If you don't love it, I'm pretty sure something may be wrong with you but I still like you anyways.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Am I Really Doing This Forever?

See this monster of a van? Well for my teaching class, we were taking the kids on a field trip and I was told I wouldn't be driving and was thoroughly relieved. However once I got to school this morning, I learned that one of us that wasn't driving would have to bring a van back anyways since our teacher was driving us over and guess who the other girl volunteered? I'm pretty sure I shot her a seething glance of death and somehow she survived. Then I went and picked up the above "boat" in a lovely maroon and drove it back. Guess what? In big stupid vans, the drivers seat doesn't move forward. I felt like I was too little to be driving such a giant car. In the end, it wasn't that bad and I was def one of the better van drivers so yay me! All in all, it served as a great form of keeping my children numbers down and not having 7+ kids...even the 3 monsters I want to have is pushing it. 
While on our lovely preschool field trip, we had to walk everywhere all connected like this and holding hands. It was quite the adventure to say the least. I have 2 boys that would run while holding hands and 2 girls that wanted to walk at snailspeed so our line looked a little more like / instead of a nice straight line of cute happy children. How teachers ever manage field trips with classes of 30+ kids is beyond me. I will be one of those teachers that makes the parents live at school with their children so I don't strangle them. As much as teaching can be crazy and chaotic, it is still the thing I'm meant to do unless I'm supposed to drop out of BYU and go into culinary school which would be freaking sweet! Now on an entirely different note, remember how I called Fatty and he never answered and I left him a v-mail and he never responded and how I texted him and the douche of all douches still had nothing to say back? Well he finally texted me back yesterday saying that yes he got my message and they got my stuff and how amazing it was (I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm 100 percent sure he would not even breathe the same air that my cookies had been in since he's basically anorexic. He must have just listened to what his roommate said about them and took his word for it) and then thanked me and then put (no emoticon) at the end. At least he got that shiz straight. I hate his usual smiley face :) or the even worse Lalynn's nightmare of an emoticon, the winky face ;)...freaking gag me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bling It On.

I'm one of those people that plan out every single detail of everything that will occur in my life and things can be very complicated if they don't go according to plan. So if any boy ever wants to know what kind of ring bling I want, just point him in the direction of this blog or better yet, just ask my freaking opinion since I have one for everything. All my friends are getting married and so I love looking at rings and when I found this ring, I'm 99.9 percent sure I might have cried some. The only problem is any ring that I tend to really really love and get super emotional about tends to feature this little phrase where the price should be located: "Please contact _____ for ring price...aka Angela Lynnette will NEVER be able to afford this ring (unless I decided to marry Fatty...umm no thanks!) I should not even be blogging but should be finishing up hw and studying for my procrastinated humanities 202 exam I have to take tomorrow night and is 160 questions long. Honestly what kind of teacher comes up with a test that long? I'm pretty sure exams should have a 75 question limit unless it's standardized testing or a college entrance exam of sorts. Oh, the joys of being in college. And I plan on 2 years of grad school after this...just kill me NOW. On a happier note, I'm making cookies tomorrow night once I get home at probably 10 pm.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

You're Awful, I Love You.

As much as people will cry and complain about how awful Valentine's day is, they secretly LOVE and are kind of obsessed with it. Whether I have a valentine or not (I always have my GJK) it's just another happy day filled with good times, sweet treats and happy thoughts. If you think no one loves you, you're being slightly ridic. I love you. Te Amo. Ich Liebe Dich. Ti Amo. Je T'aime. That's all the languages I know so know you're loved akay?

This is the best kiss ever captured on film in my opinion. That is one lucky girl to be macked on in the middle of the road in a sea of bystanders. 

This is definitely true even though Fatty does so not deserve the love of Miss Angela Lynnette.
Happy Day of Loves.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear Voice,

Even though I sound super attractive without you and everyone says I can get any boy now, I've missed you and would like you back. Love, me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just Stop Dying Already!

I come home from school and lay in bed like this.
I keep sneezing every 5 seconds it seems like.
and once again, my tissue box is almost empty. What the nasty is wrong with me? I keep feeling like I'm going to hurl but it hasn't happened yet thank goodness! I just pray I won't get sick in class with my preschoolers tomorrow while getting graded for IL. Nothing says an  A+ like vomiting in 20 students and 4 other teachers...NOT!  That's the last thing my sickened state needs. Oh P freaking S world. So I get on facie and see that Fatty is friends with probably the most obnoxious girl in Provo (and maybe the planet) I question my friend about it and she says she went over and they all hung out...umm slightly annoyed? Hopefully Fatty injures himself at the gym for being a complete jerk and I may have to slash my friends tires for being a complete Retard with a capital R.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm Not Jealous.

That while I am stuck in the not so lovely Provo, Utard with NO spring break (thanks so much BYU...not)
My nephew Pasc gets to go on an all expense paid vacation to Saint Lucia in the Caribbean...must be nice having rich friends at age 13 that pay to take you on vacations with them. If they want to take your poor aunt too, drop me a line. If not, bring me back a tan exotic man.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh Mr. Sun,

PLEASE, decide to grace me with your cancer causing rays and heat up this glaciarland called Provo ASAP. I've been patient for the past few months and I feel you owe me some compensation for my hard efforts akay? Gracias.

Make Me Sound More White.

Go and watch this shiz now and prepare to die laughing.