Sunday, December 19, 2010
Old > New.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
These Might Become a Problem.
Hi, my name is Angela and I love pickles. Well not the sweet ones but all the sour ones...yum. You might have thought I would die when I sampled one of Vish's deep fried pickles at lunch today and then proceeded to eat half of his loot...whoops. I told you I was secretly fat (at least in spirit if not actually) All I can say is thank the Lord I don't live down south. Apparently they sell these everywhere down there. I would be fatter than a house I tell you. Also Texas Roadhouse is divine. I filled up on pickles, rolls, peanuts and chili before my food came out and by the end I wanted to die I ate so much. Good thing I took most of my meal home and now I'll have the greatest leftover lunch ever! Too bad all I can think about is the dang pickles I need to recreate stat.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Please Be False for my Sake.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A Little Too Much of a Good Thing.

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Just Wanted to Say...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Making Spirits Bright.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Nakie Nails.
I hate them! I need to paint them stat. Also, I got the most darling present at YW last night. I'll have to picture it and post it.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I Got...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lots of Little Flurries.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
HP 7.1
The latest Harry Potter was so good even though I was scared through half of the movie. I love me some HP. In the spirit of thanks...

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Que Mango!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Time to Upgrade.
So basically I've wanted an iPhone since they came out and everything was perfect about it except one little detail: I had to switch to AT&T. As much as I wanted an iPhone, I couldn't dare betray my beloved Verizon Wireless! My whole family pretty much has Verizon too and I didn't want to waste all my minutes talking to those I loved despite how totally worth it, it would be. So I picked a sucky Verizon and lived on. Then Verizon got awesome phones and I still had a year and a half until I could upgrade. Finally in May my upgrade day had come but I no longer cared about it. I had heard rumors about Verizon getting an iPhone and about died about the lovely marriage that would be. Only it never happened so last night I discovered this little baby:
Monday, November 15, 2010
One Day...

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hungry Much?
Sometimes I eat healthy (I hate how it takes like 10 hours to get all the pom arils out and 5 minutes to eat an entire bowlful),

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Can't Stop This.
So tonight, I was bored out of my mind and craving pizza so on my way to the market, I called Musu who didn't pick up and then I called Vish to see what they were doing. Vish was at the theater buying tickets to see the new Denzel movie with Raylene and asked if I wanted to go. I usually refuse to go but when I was on cinemark earlier during the day, I saw it and wanted to see it so I said yes. It was a pretty good movie. We made plans to go see the new Harry Potter that comes out next week...holy pee my pants excited!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I Suck at Uploading Photos.
Once upon a time (like 2 years ago), you could bet that I would be the first person to go to an event, come home and have new facebook pictures up all tagged with fab captions by the time you got home. Now not so much. This may have to do with the fact that I never take pictures anymore on my digicam and that my camera cord has just been unpacked since the last time I used it in June. Here's some highlights from October and this month that I've actually taken pictures of:
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Can We Slow Down Please?
Remember how we just had halloween barely and then all of a sudden...

Pictures from here.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Just Remember...

ps-smiling and laughing totally help improve anything.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Transporting to Jamaica Now.

Suck on That.
I love that the hotel my parents stays at has these suckers in their lobby and they probably hate my fam because we like rape the jar of them. They used to have them at Costco and we always got them in Hawaii and now they only have them in secret places like this magical hotel and on the "interweb" and Vish likes to call the internet and act like he was the genius that came up with that word along with 35273 other ones.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Why Didn't I Sew Yesterday?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
We All Need a Reminder Sometimes.

Location: SF Market on Wednesday around noon.
Normal chitchat with your checkout girl until we get to my final item: the chicken breasts of doom
COG(check out girl): Are you single?
self: Yep (my mind wanted to say 3546 other things)
COG: Yeah, it's usually only single people that buy chicken like this. You should see the moms! They come in and buy these huge..
self: packs?
COG: Yeah! (starts to regret making me feel like smack apparently) Don't worry. One day, you'll be buying the family pack too.
self: Thanks K bye! (dies of shame and walks to my car and contemplates finding a new market to shop at)
It's a good thing I love my single life a little too much to care. Remember how it snowed Tuesday night? Yuck, no more thanks.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Leading up to All Hallows Eve.
Hi y'all. It might as well be -50 degrees outside because it's snowing. California girl + snow + Ewwtah = no bueno. Halloween is coming up this week and I'm so excited! I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to be but whatever I decide on will be great because I'm wearing it right? I wish I had Hocus Pocus to watch but I left it in freaking California. Everyday in Hallo-week (I'm SO clever right?) I do something Halloween related. Here's the rundown:
Monday-costume shopping (not as successful as I had hoped for but whatevs)
Tuesday-pumpkin bagel making...divine! I also made such good french onion soup.
Wednesday-pumpkin carving and Halloween decorating
Thursday-Sugar cookie baking and decorating
Friday-cookie delivering and halloween partying
Saturday-repeat of friday's partying + annual trip to Denny's and hot springs
Sunday- treat giving out and movie watching

Saturday, October 23, 2010
World Of Orbit.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hello Gorgeous.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What a Monday!
Normally Mondays just suck. The weekend is over, school/work starts again and another week begins. Today started out good. I was going to get one of my free breakfast things (thanks Starbucks and McDonalds) but I wasn't hungry so I decided to postpone those for another day. I had a package at the post office so I ran over there to pick it up. My new brown boots came and they are so dang cute. I was so excited! I decided to take a scenic drive after that and just went around in Provo by some farms. Then I decided to run over to Winco since I needed some things from the market. They had huge boxes of pumpkins out front and they were only 8 cents a pound! Everywhere else is like 19-23 cents a pound so I struck gold! I got this cute little one and when they rung it up, it only cost me 46 cents. So naturally what did I do after I unloaded my cart? If you guessed that I ran back over and got an even bigger and better pumpkin, you're so right! It was huge (aka I could barely lift it) and it was only $1. I was tempted to get another one but I refrained since I already had 2 at home and one in the car. 5 pumpkins for one very single girl...yeah not so much.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
We Can Be Friends After All!
I've never been a fall person. Growing up in Southern California, seasons didn't exist. My first year in Utah, fall was just the time of year where it started to get freezing and I was so not a fan. I like it hot, hot, hot. Fall also brings weird foods like squashes (that just makes me think of bugs or the game) and pumpkin flavored everything. The only pumpkin flavored thing I've liked was pumpkin bagels from the Bagelry back home...divine. That was until today when I made pumpkins bars...hello new lover. Where have you been hiding all my life? At least we've met now. Fall isn't so bad I guess. At least I can wear cute boots and snuggle with a cute boy.

Lazy Day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Good new: the concert last night may have been one of the best I've been to yet. JR is basically everthing CB is and more minus the beatings. I want everything about that man. Popcorn chicken at sonic...divine! B.o.B's keyboardist was basically Lil Wayne 's long lost brother. Witnessed B.o.B doing some dancing in a total drunken state...greatest. I have food again!
Bad news: Shels got a ticket on the way back from the concert last night, I'm still freaking sick and have been sneezing OOC! I googled to see if you could die by sneezing and you totally can...gross! I need to get better asap.
All I want right now is some hot chocolate and I'm all out..yuck! I don't feel well enough to go out and get some either. JR would help too.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lucky Day=Sicky Day.
Today I hurled about 15 times. Talk about unlucky. I managed to be well enough to attend a friends birthday party and have a fab time.
Friday, October 8, 2010
I Love Brown Parties.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gotta Love the Biebs.
If you have a love/hate relationship with the Biebs much like I do (especially after hearing how HOT he is all summer by 14-15 year old girls...gag me!)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Pop It.
I love tart frozen yogurt like a fat kid loves any food really. The more tart, the better. When my fav place (aka tartest froyo) in Provo shut down, I felt like weeping. A few weeks later, a new froyo took over. I was a little annoyed and as a skeptic had to go make sure they were at least a little better than my trusty old joint. I walked in and almost half of the flavors claimed to be some kind of tart. I got my classic asian tart and then went to check out their topping selection. It was basically endless. I didn't know what to choose. I was about to load up on some kiwi and mango when I discovered what can only be described as fish eggs. The mere sight of them grossed me out but they many fruit flavors enticed me. I ate most of the froyo and avoided the fish egg orbs until one snuck into a bite...heavenly? I think so. Between mango and strawberry, I liked the strawberry ones best.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Unveiling.
Today was like Christmas in a very small way for me. I came home from a crazy day to find a letter saying they tried to deliver my surprise but alas no one was home. I'm told that I can go retrieve it at 4:30 from the post office. At 4:30, I rush down to the post office and inquire about my package. My mailman hasn't come in yet but I can check back before they closed at 5:30. At 5:15, I show up and ask again. After taking 57237893 million years in the back room, the lady comes back to the front and pulls my package out of the A cupboard. I beam as I walk out of there and drive home. I begin the unwrapping process.

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