Normally Mondays just suck. The weekend is over, school/work starts again and another week begins. Today started out good. I was going to get one of my free breakfast things (thanks Starbucks and McDonalds) but I wasn't hungry so I decided to postpone those for another day. I had a package at the post office so I ran over there to pick it up. My new brown boots came and they are so dang cute. I was so excited! I decided to take a scenic drive after that and just went around in Provo by some farms. Then I decided to run over to Winco since I needed some things from the market. They had huge boxes of pumpkins out front and they were only 8 cents a pound! Everywhere else is like 19-23 cents a pound so I struck gold! I got this cute little one and when they rung it up, it only cost me 46 cents. So naturally what did I do after I unloaded my cart? If you guessed that I ran back over and got an even bigger and better pumpkin, you're so right! It was huge (aka I could barely lift it) and it was only $1. I was tempted to get another one but I refrained since I already had 2 at home and one in the car. 5 pumpkins for one very single girl...yeah not so much.
After a great afternoon and a divine nap, I went and bought some fun halloween nail polish and tried on like 35738291 pairs of black pants since my other 2 pairs are basically dying and my other 2 pairs don't fit (ones too small, ones too big) but nothing looked fab on me. I went to mutual and we watched Veggie Tales. That just made me think about and miss my Ney. That little chubby cheeked fiend used to be obsessed with that show. His fav part was during the theme song when Bob stretches and in Ney's words "becomes a strawberry". I may or may not have LOL-ed at that part and had all the girls, leaders and staff staring at me.
After mutual, I usually go and get my "FHE treat" at Earth Fruits yogurt but I wasn't in the mood and so I went and got a happy meal. I may or may not have checked the McDonalds website on Sunday to see what toy they had this I really 22? Sometimes I think a poor child got trapped in my growing and aging body. They had halloween treat buckets and you also get some Mr. Potato Head stickers in case you want to go indulge your inner child on crap food.
Since I have no idea/know exactly what I want for Christmas this year, I saw the most adorable bathing suit on the J Crew website and told my madre and she told me to credit it and have it sent to her so she could wrap it...aren't mommies just the best thing ever?! Mine is that's for sure!
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