Remember how we just had halloween barely and then all of a sudden...
BAM, November! We're already 8 days into it...gasp! The 6th was my dear nephew Pasc' 14th birthday. I might as well we his grandma I feel so dang old. That's cool though. Old grandma's rock and I'm going to be a black grandma with a white accent...slight failure but maybe I'll get a black accent yet in my old years. At least that's my goal. One of many. It was like November 1st made it okay for every store in America to forget Thanksgiving and move right on into Christmas. You can't walk into a craft store without it looking like Santa and his elves barfed Christmas on aisle 2 and every other aisle for that matter. I love me some Christmas but I haven't even taken some legit fall pictures. Mind you I've totally slacked and now the leaves are falling off like no other so tomorrow I intend on photographing after doing other business before the trees are completely naked until spring again. The best part about this November you ask...
Harry James Freaking Potter Movie numero 7 part 1.
I'm so excited I might wee my pants a little bit.
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