Last night, Shels and I were so excited for Glee part 2 to finally come out on DVD so we went out at midnight to get it. We didn't want to have all the crowds that the Orem Walmart would have so we went to Springville. When we pulled into the parking lot, there was a massive line and we were like "Oh gosh, we're going to be here all night!" Then I looked over and noticed Gamestop. The line wasn't for this:
The ridiculously long line that went across the parking lot was for the newest version of Halo...umm really? I thought my sides would split open I was laughing so hard. As we went inside Walmart, there was another line in the electronics area for Halo as well and we laughed at how ridic all these boys were (If you go out at midnight to get the newest version of a video game, you instantly lose your "man" status and regress to boyhood again) with their Halo shirts and posters. After they got their Halo Reach with their faces shining with joy, they went over to get Prince of Persia since that came out too (another video game gone movie...gag me) and if they weren't satisfied after that, they also picked up the new Linkin Park cd (huge hit band for gamers). After we got up to the register, Shels left her card at home and so we ran to her apartment to get it. When we got to the Orem Walmart, I see this crop of black spiky hair and super tan skin and I was like "OMG, I think that's Damien" (Damien equals new crush that I haven't talked to yet. He's our friends cousin and he hasn't been introduced to us yet)Upon further investigation, we discover that it is in fact Damien and we get all excited. Did I mention that it's one in the AM? We wondered why he was at Walmart at that hour since he didn't have any of the midnight release items with him. When we got in line, we were in the same line as him and he probably thought we were stalkers but when you go to Walmart at that hour, there aren't a whole lot of lane choices. What was he buying you might ask? Just butter and one in the AM. Shels looked at his wallet and he had a Louis Vuitton wallet...somehow that didn't surprise me. Now I'm totally intrigued by this boy and want to know his story. We wanted to see what kind of car he had but he was already gone...lame. It's fine. I'll know everything within a matter of time. We'll just have to have a Q&A session with his dear cousin.
As quoted by a group of boys last night getting Halo, as one left to go home and start playing with his trusty red bulls he turned to his friend staying behind to get Prince of Persia and said my fav line ever "I'll see you online" (online-xbox live)...kill me now if my husband has an xbox.
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