Ice Cream Headaches and Sweet Avalanche.
So I've been lusting after these for like months at Macey's but have been strong but today I succumbed under my cramps and almost died and went to heaven...umm, seriously so good. Like they might put something illegal in them they're that good. It was a happy ice cream bar experience for me. The dora popsicles will have to wait until this weekend when I eat all my otter pops and have nothing frozen to eat. I am determined to be a happy eater this week. I made these peanut sauce noodles which I knew would either be amazing or so gross since I HATE peanut butter and they were like beyond amazing. I might have to make them again tomorrow. I also bought everything for pico de gallo and got more hint of lime chips. I also made tacos and stuff for raspberry muffins even though I hate the taste of warm berries in stuff...gross. Life is good right now and I will be relaxing for the next 2 weeks and shopping in Sallake this weekend among other things. Oh, Rik and Michclle had their little baby and he is so dang cute. It made me baby hungry for like 0.00037 of a second until I realized I would have no life for 18+ plus years...umm no thank you! In case you are thinking I am a baby hating woman that wants to live life without children you are wrong. I want kids just not yet. Maybe in like 5 years after I've lived some? That sounds good.
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