Sunday, June 27, 2010
"Why are you Laughing?"
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Happy Feet.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I'd Almost Marry This.
The ability to track packages makes crazies like me turn sane at knowing where our precious parcels are. Mine is currently en route to Provo from SLC as of 11:46 pm.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Baby Girl Clothes > Baby Boy Clothes.
Ever since high school, I've been planning the childhood of my future offspring in which they will all be baby and child models for:
5 Days of Freedom.
-go swimming
-make homemade corndogs (I've been dying to do this since I saw the recipe on tastespotting)
-get a snow cone
-read a book or magazine while catching some sun
-take bags and bags of clothes to DI so they don't take over my room all week (tomorrow sounds good)
-go to Sams Club and buy 2 boxes of oreos and airheads for EFY
-hang out with friends
-go on a nice drive one afternoon
-relax and do nothing
-wait for new shoes to get here summer.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Check That Ish.
Life of Miss Angela Lynnette Auten in Checklist Form:
1. Get windshield fixed. Check. (So when I called Father Auten ayer to wish him a happy daddy's day, he told me to fix HIS car with MY
2. Go to Chao's for gyoza wrappers and come home and make the delicious things. Tasty Check.
3. Hangout with Kamil before he leaves. Check.
4. Take Kamil to the airport and listen to airplanes like 84903 million times. Check.
5. Laugh out loud when Kamil has complications and holds up his entire flight. Giggling check.
6. Go to Nordy Rack and buy shoes you almost bought Friday and lusted after all weekend. Check.
7. Die in your bed and watch Pepper Ann, listen to current song lust (Mayday Parade is amazing) and drink horchata from Betos.

Done and Done.
Self Out.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Letter of the Day.
So in the ridiculous randomocity that is my life, I discoved that all the food I have or will consume in the next hour has started with the letter...

Friday, June 18, 2010
The Sad. The Happy. The Moral.
Once upon a Friday (aka today), I was driving along in a construction zone when this unfortunate thing happened:
1. I could have cracked my entire windshield instead of the baby crack I currently have.
2. I could have gotten in a horrible accident.
3. All of the above could have happened and I died.
Lesson learned: be grateful for the small things you are blessed with and move on with your life! So I went to Border's and bought this book that I said I would buy with my 1st EFY paycheck of the summer. In case you see me anytime this summer, this book may or may not be glued to my face.
I am Miss Angela Lynnette and therefore I am awesome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Work In Progress.
Change Starts From Within.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Vacation's Where I Wanna Be.
EFY is the BEST job ever! I love that for the next 2 weeks, I get to relax at home and do nothing but shovel (the below picture testifies of this) chips and pico de gallo into my mouth and bake baskets of baby muffins and stare at my ex crush out the window. Now if only my new crush will fall for me could my vacay get any better. Only napping on the tramp with my ney or being at the beach could top my life right now.

Monday, June 14, 2010
Ice Cream Headaches and Sweet Avalanche.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Holy Tears Are Coming.
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