Good Luck Chuck.
My dad believes that everyone should be able to pack all of their belonging for a week in a backpack. If you need (or have) more clothing than fits in a backpack, you're "out of your tree". Apparently mis padres had way too many boys and they were able to comply by the backpack packing rule. My older sister could do too and my mom if she had to. Then came me. I'm the type of girl who will probably need a uhaul to move all the crap I own. What can I say? I love stuff. (Aaron would destroy my ego for saying something like that) Anywho when I came home, I only had the above packing items (only not as cool as the Batman Superman stuff in the picture). I've begun packing my stuff to go back to Utah and have found that in addition to all those bags I have a giant bag filled with all my "new stuff"...kind of a huge problem. Now I have to check a bag to get all of it back to Utah instead of carrying it all on the plane like I usually do...I fail. At least my dad won't be there to have a heart attack when he sees me with that bag too. Goodness gracious. Ahaha, I watched last night's Glee today and thought I was going to pee my pants laughing: Puck and Mercedes? What the L? Kurt macking on Brittany? Just weird. Please go back to being your gay self. I love Kurt. And the boy that's paralyzed that Rachel meets through Finn? Let's just say I teared up a lot and shed some serious tears. Favorite line: "Look out black girl in Glee club whose name I can't remember right now". Love that show so much. When I get back to Utah, I intend of having an in depth analysis on the past 3 episodes with Aaron. Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. I'm supposed to hang out with sister Kels, go out to eat with Marjorie and see Ironman 2 with Dos plus I want to get breadsticks from Warehouse and blue coke bottle gummies at the candy store. Action plan: candy store, hang with Kels, breadsticks, Ironman with Dos and chipotle with Marj. Sound crazy enough? Oh and top the day off with laundry and packing. At least my flight doesn't leave until 1 pm.
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