Mantra por la Semana.
Adorable right? I was blog-stalking and discovered this girl, Elsie Flannigan who does all these adorable and incredibly artsy paintings and I want them all. I also think her and I would make great pals. I saw this and nearly cried (I've been doing loads of that this weekend). It inspires me to not dwell on things I can't change and to move on with my life and do great things and help others around me. If all I do is think about how crappy MY life is or why am I not getting what I want, what good am I doing for others? Nothing I tell you. Now that I'm inspired, I want to tell you: get out. Sometimes this is the hardest thing for me. I just want to throw a nonstop pity party with me, myself and I when I should be around others or even just out by myself. Just being around other people makes you happier. Little kids instantly make me happier. On St. Patty's day, I went to my nephews and saw them roaming the streets of Orem on their bikes. When I rolled down my windows my one neffer said to me "Hi Auntie La. This is our crew". It instantly brightened my day. The ultimate way to make myself happy is to bake. Sometimes I win and create a masterpiece and other times I fail miserably (I'm the only person I know that can't make brownies from the box but can make perfect brownies from scratch...weird, right?) but just cooking makes me happier and brings a smile to my face. I could vent about the best and most slightly bummer weekend (Fatty's car avoided my wrath after all...lucky boy) but I'll spare you. Even though times are hard, just smile. I swear you'll live through it. If not, talk to me and I'll bring you a treat or ice cream.
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