Wednesday, November 18, 2009

House of the Rising Sun.

So the other day, my friend was looking for her glasses and so I searched everywhere in my apt and car for them and they were nowhere to be found. Then she called Fatty in hopes that they would be at his house. As usual, he didn't answer and this made me feel slightly better that he didn't respond to anyone and he didn't just hate me. Then a few minutes later, he texted her back. Are you fricking joshing me? I don't curse very often but this was a very "WHAT THE HELL?" moment in my day. So he must officially hate me. I've decided to seek my revenge by delivering him a power kick to his baby maker. No boy is allowed to not return the phone calls of Miss Angela Lynnette's against the rules. I was so angered by this, I couldn't sleep and so at 5:40 in the AM I began to stretch. At 5:50 AM, I went running and did my usual run of 2 miles and then kept running and running and running. I probably would have ran all day but I'm pretty sure I would have come back an icicle. I was freezing and wasn't warm for quite so time but it felt dang good. I beat the sun in rising this morning. Accomplished? I think so.

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