Thursday, October 29, 2009
So every kid has the year where they find out Santa isn't real, the Easter Bunny doesn't exist and Leprechauns and pots of golds aren't at the end of every rainbow. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays since I love getting all dressed up and just going out and partying it up with my friends. (Last year was the ultimate party year and I don't think it can be topped truly) This year, I started out being really excited but now Halloween is in 2 days and I'm not that excited. I don't even really want to go out and party. If there is any person that lives for a great party to get down at, it's me. I like OWN parties and shaking my booty. It's kind of what I do best. I have a feeling it might not be happening this year. I already bought my issue of Cosmo and I'm planning to get some ice cream from cold stone and take out Olive Garden. There's going to be a party in the Pink Room involving nail painting and movie watching and eating and magazine reading and maybe even a little dancing but nothing more...this doesn't seem very me but I'm just not in the mood this year. Halloween got like instantly overrated and I'm like the party aspect of it. I kind of want to go be a little prankster but we'll see how that goes. That seems like a much better idea to me already. Maybe instead of spending money on a costume, I'll spend it on car markers, silly string, confetti and other nasty disgusting things to ruin people's cars...ahaha! New Halloween tradition? I think so.
Monday, October 26, 2009
"Kids are Just Drawn to me. It's Something that I'm Blessed With"
Today I'm walking in to go do my volunteering and there's this black kid in the hallway so obviously he has to be my new favorite right. If he wasn't then, he was after we had the following conversation:
Adorable Black Child (ABC): Hi.
Self: Hi.
ABC: Are you a new teacher here?
Self: No, I'm just helping out but I'll be a teacher one day. Should I work here?
ABC: Yeah!
Dear ABC, you warmed my heart and I wanted to steal you and make you my child but resisted since that's not illegal or anything. I would never want to teach at that school and if I did , it would be for you. Kids are just the dang cutest and they make my life sometimes. It's a good thing since I'll be dealing with them everyday for the rest of forever.
Ahaha, I Just Remembered...
This one time this past weekend when I got like negative hours of sleep (I was that tired) and Shels and I were driving past one of our fav places in Provo and this convo happened (Warning: This may not be funny to you but it makes me weep tears of joy thinking about it):
Shels: They would have a golf cart.
Self: I know right? Ridic. Must be Halloweens.
Shels: Yeah or it could be Diva's. Seriously, what don't those boys have?
Self: (Insert some deep thinking)...Umm, girlfriends?
This ended with us both laughing hard all the way home. Next time we see them, we'll have to bring this point up and then offer our availableness for them.
Getting the Hang of This Blog Thing.
So I finally discovered how to do cool things to your blog all by myself (since I'm not cool enough to do it the easy way and ask someone else for help) so now I'm like all the cool people with their awesome blogs (even though one day mine will be the coolest ever...duh!) and awesome lives. Lately I've been cravin everything from taquitos to Dr. Pepper to chili cheese fries. These cravings need to stop. If I were married and preggers, it would be fine but I'm single and very NOT pregnant so please end cravings. If I gave into all my cravings, I would be morbidly obese and eternally thanks. The taquito craving is really intense though and may need to be cured ASAP.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
No Wonder I'm Still Single.

PS-Fatty and I are back to normal. He called me the other night and apologized. I'm still going to keep my heart hidden from him for awhile though.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
He Would...
Ignore my phone calls and texts. Call me randomly and not respond. Be a complete loser and act like a child.
You're freaking 26. Grow the F up...NOW!
PS-Driving home from school, I spied with my little eye his yellow jeep. I really considered keying his car and smashing out his brake lights but resisted...homo.
Monday, October 19, 2009
"This is Bad, Real Bad- Michael Jackson"
Hi world. So this blog title has been the story of my life for the past 24 hours...gross right? Anyone that knows me know I NEVER cry unless I'm in pain, about to get a shot, or a boy has hurt my heart. The other types of crying are definitely more artificial forms of crying that don't involve boxes upon boxes of tissues and headaches from countless hours of crying. So let me describe some events and see if you can make sense of them akay?
Scene one: Myself and cheetah bestie go to my lover "Fatty" 's house to retrieve her plate. I am slightly annoyed since Fatty never responds to my texts or phone calls (he claims he never got them...can you imagine the nerve this child has?) and so I act like I'm annoyed and am so not in the mood to deal with Fatty and his incessant talking (I'm 99.9 percent sure he loves the sound of his own voice he talks that much) and we leave. I shoot him a text apologizing for my irritable behavior since I was upset and having mixed feelings on whether I like him or not. He texts me back and says it's fine and he doesn't hate me and if I need to talk, he's there...prec right?
Intermission: I call Fatty one night to ask him something but he's watching a movie so we text instead...normal right? I have normal Angie sass in my texting which he seems to be fine with.
Scene Two: Movie night with the cheetah bestie and Fatty's sister. (In case you're that curious, we watched Bride freaking adorable) Everything is fine and we are having a great night of girl bonding and then in walks Fatty. I get excited just knowing he's there. He is talking to his sister and then before he goes to join the boys for a night of male bonding, he decides to announce to the world that he's going to give my cheetah bestie a hug. He then continues to ignore my presence and announces to the world that he is off to his room that apparently he never leaves (I had said this in a previous text message and this is the only mention from him that would even come close to acknowledging my presence). I try and am successful in holding back the flood of tears that want to escape my eyes. My heart is starting to break at this point.
Intermission: Car ride home after movie night. I'm still in shock that he hasn't said anything to me but figure that his rude behavior was only triggered by mine the other night even though I had apologized and thought everything was fine. Cheetah bestie and I get to my apartment and we start talking about it for the Nth time trying to figure out what the F just happened. I start talking about it and almost start crying but since I have a fear of crying in front of others, hold back the tears as best as I can and say goodbye to the Cheetah bestie and escape into my apartment.
Scene Three: I get to my bedroom and start to think about how good the night had been until Fatty came home. I know I had been a complete mother biotch the other night but I'm still a girl and when it comes to things like lovers, I can cry a river just like any normal girl. I texted Fatty but he didn't respond which is typical for him but when it comes to someone feeling hurt or being sad, usually he'll respond. (The other night, he told me that I am the type of person who uses anger to mask true. So if you get that much about me, why the L do you feel the need to act like a complete douche?) The way he ignored me made me think of this time where this teacher asked me if I knew what it felt like to be invisible to other people. This thought made my eyes start to water and I knew the tears couldn't be kept at bay for much longer. I cried and I cried until I couldn't breathe and had to get tissue so I could clear my airways. I'm pretty sure I cried myself to sleep. When getting up for church, I sat up and all of a sudden had this mad rush of a headache come to my head and I almost vomited the pain was that intense. I then decided church was so not going to happen since someone would ask how I was and then the tears would start again. Then, I remembered how awful my night had been and the tears started again. I decided it was best to go back to bed so I feel asleep crying again. This cycle continued throughout most of the day. My HT's decided to pop over to meet me and I had to wipe my eyes and look like I hadn't been crying for the past 30 minutes...geez louise. Then I had to do some hw and started to have a life even though thinking of how gay Fatty is being is still bringing tears to my eyes at least once an hour...ridic.
I effing hate the fact that for some reason Fatty is hating me right now. I called him (he didn't answer naturally) and left him a V-mail saying that I want to talk so we'll see how that goes (he'll most likely claim he never received it). I wish this would be resolved since I have 2 exams, 2 classes, volunteer work, an appointment, FHE, and a job interview tomo. If I suck at everything or have another BD tomo, I'm going to seriously consider (but never actually do) going over to his house, trashing his room, keying his yellow jeep and slashing his tires. If there's one girl who doesn't do well being ignored, it's me. It kills me one the inside like a lot. I just pray that I can get through tomorrow fine. Alright world, peace and loves yo.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Slack Off Much?
So I will accept the fact that I procrastinate EVERYTHING and that I am the ultimate slacker/putter-offer ever but it's me so NBD right? So somehow September is already over and we're almost a good week into October! I'll bring you up to speed on the top 10 things in my life since school has started akay?
Let's begin shall we?
1. Shellie Revior
2. Sonic Happy hour
3. Rik and Michelle Roy Choudhuri's wedding
4. Deer sighting
5. Playboy Mansion
6. Naps in the "Pink Room"
7. Dannon Le Creme Raspberry yogurt
8. Sour Watermelons
9. My dream True Religion jeans
10. Buttwarmers in my car
School is pretty much kicking my rear but General Conference was AWESOME this weekend! Henry B. Eyring gave a rocking talk and Jeffrey R. Holland's testimony of the BOM was one of the strongest I have ever heard. Tears were almost running down my face. SO good. Last night, I went out with Shel's and Jesse's adorable little sister Marion and it was so fun. I love those Young Children. Me gusta mucho especially Fatty...rawr! I kind of want to marry him...but he's says he can't be seduced...I guess we'll find out! Loves!
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