Hey there. Long time no chat eh? Life can be cray like that sometimes you know? Anywho, to get you up to speed on the latest with moi…
-It's summa time! #praiseJesushallelujah
-I'm in my beloved California and NOT Utah (insert praise hands)
-I'm working like a craz-o but it's so good to be busy and not like "So what do I wanna do with myself"
-Despite the heat and random humidity, I still manage to freeze ERRDAY at work (no surprise)
-Living close to tons of family is the best and I get to love on my little Wybug and Lita all the time!
-Church is great and having church friends is even better!
-I finally overhauled my wardrobe yet still own 50 shades of black and grey.
-Not going back to Utah has to be the happiest thing ever
-BIGGEST NEWS YET: I HAVE A…just kidding y'all! STILL single as F but ain't even mad about it.
Here's to keeping up with this little blog since it's been far too long, I have to much to say and no one to say it to, and I have a feeling that things are going to be changing for the better soon! Besitos!