Sunday, August 16, 2015

Children of Light.

"As a child of God, you're a child of light."      
-President Thomas S. Monson "Stand as a Light"

Monday, August 3, 2015

Catch Up, 7UP.

Hey there. Long time no chat eh? Life can be cray like that sometimes you know? Anywho, to get you up to speed on the latest with moi…

-It's summa time! #praiseJesushallelujah
-I'm in my beloved California and NOT Utah (insert praise hands)
-I'm working like a craz-o but it's so good to be busy and not like "So what do I wanna do with myself"
-Despite the heat and random humidity, I still manage to freeze ERRDAY at work (no surprise)
-Living close to tons of family is the best and I get to love on my little Wybug and Lita all the time!
-Church is great and having church friends is even better!
-I finally overhauled my wardrobe yet still own 50 shades of black and grey.
-Not going back to Utah has to be the happiest thing ever
-BIGGEST NEWS YET: I HAVE A…just kidding y'all! STILL single as F but ain't even mad about it.

Here's to keeping up with this little blog since it's been far too long, I have to much to say and no one to say it to, and I have a feeling that things are going to be changing for the better soon! Besitos!