Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Fam Equals Love.
I love how everyone feels the need to compete for things in America. Who has the best parents, coolest family, or cutest nieces and nephews (or the worst, most awful, and brattiest?) in the world. Don't they realize that everyone has the greatest family for them and we're all winners when it comes to having super awesome families? Geez. I love being home with my family. I had a mild facie session with Miss Tiggy Rache and she has already told me a thing or two about every guy I've been crushing on. Scott wasn't cute enough, Jake is as hot as ever (of course, he'd probably like her better too with her absolutely perfect hair and eyelashes) and Aaron...ahaha. Funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. So I'm telling her all about how I'm in love with Aaron and how cute he is and blah blah blah. Anywho, we "stalk" (Aaron has already labeled me as a facebook stalker. It's so not even stalking when you're friends already...am I right or what?) a picture of the boy and we're flipping through a few and of course I have to show her his little brother too so that if things don't work out with A and I, at least she can get in on the little bro when she finally turns 16 in like i964806830 years from now. We get to my "favorite pic" of him and I turn to ask her opinion and this is what I got from her 14 year old mind: "He looks like the kind of boy that would live in the hood and find fun in taking people's cars for a joyride". I'm already dead on the floor from laughter and she leans in to judge his looks even further and then asks "Wait, is he Mexican?". Oh Raj, you kill me. My family isn't racist at all right? I loved it. In the end, she told me I only had her approval to date Aaron or Jake. I can't marry Aaron because he'll probably just steal my car according to Raj. Ahaha, speaking of marriage, I asked Granty Pants if I should get married so he could have a new uncle. He said "You'll probably marry someone mean that will be mean to us too so NO. Don't get married ok?" Apparently my 9 year old nephew things I'm going to marry the most awful person ever or something. I pray not. I texted Scott like all day yesterday and I'm totally going to miss him this summer. Oh my heck, my mom kills me. Last night my little brother was on facebook and he turned to ask who someone that had added him was. I was like "that's your uncle-dad's sister's husband" My mom (who absolutely hates facebook) turned to the computer and was like "What he has facebook? Eww, that's so creepy. Don't add him, either one of you!" I almost died from laughing so hard. She tried to concentrate on her movie but 5 minutes later had to talk more about what a creeper he was for having facebook...oh Jings, love you. We'll see what the family has in store for me the rest of vacation.
Friday, April 23, 2010
"There's No Place Like Home"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's a Good Thing I Don't Blush.
So basically I live at Musu's apartment. You would too if you knew his total babe roommate Aaron who I would almost give my morals up for and the always adorable Scotty Scott. Since Scott is taking me to the airport on Thursday, I bought him some DP and made him cinnamon rolls for compensation (he refused to let me pay him, put gas in his car or even take him to Tucanos...really, even I would give up my "nice side" for grilled pineapple at Tucanos on someone else's tab)...seriously, that's a true friend right thurr. Anywho, we missed half of Glee thanks to Mark catching up on OLD episodes of Lost (I was totally annoyed about that but what can you do) Then we all just talked and then Scotty's friend came over and they went to the hot tub (I claimed that hot tubs were against my religion) and I read a fatty stack of magazines. About when I finished, Scott and his friend came back and I announced that I was eating one of his cinnamon rolls since I made them and everything. He then got peeved because Mark totally took one of his and he put them in his room (Good thing because Aaron would have totally raped them when he got home from wherever the L he was) Scott and his friend left and then not even 5 minutes later, Aaron came home. I busted out the iPod and got all shy stat. Musu asked him where he had been all this time (mostly for my benefit since I care about all the "pointless details") He wrote a paper for one of his classes and wanted Musu to proofread it but Musu was like "I don't even know english really, make Angela do it". Then he asked me to do it and of course I said yes. It was a really interesting book review paper and I was like so bored since everything seemed to be perfect until about the 2nd page (there were 7 total). Aaron decided to go to someone else's apartment and so I'm like "What the gay? How am I supposed to know if he wants me to correct it or not if he's not here?". Musu had to listen to me start complaining about editing his paper when all of a sudden he walked in (I pray he wasn't listening outside of the door the entire time to see if I would be a complete B or not) He asked me how it was going and I was like "Oh there are a few things I found and then since I was laying across the couch, he wanted to sit next to me so he could see what I was talking about and fix it. I got like all embarrassed like and almost died with nervous stomach flutters and crap...ugh stupid boys. He read over it and then changed it and then asked me if it made sense then. I skimmed it and had to freaking bite down on my lip since I was about to start nervous giggling and then he would have thought I was laughing at his paper and ugh...sick. I pray he was looking at his paper and not my face because I was rocking a fatty smile and totally crushing at being that freaking close to him. Then I said I had to read the rest and so he left again. Phew, I was so relieved at this point and expected Musu to be like "Freak, how obvious can one be?" but he didn't. Then when I was almost finished with his paper and it was like 10 after midnight at this point, I was like "Crap, my car is going to get booted" and Musu was like "I didn't think of that you better go!". I like speed read the rest of his paper and was then we were leaving and Aaron was coming back and I was like "I marked all the changes I made or things I think you should change in red so hopefully you get them and it helps". Then I hurried to my car with Musu before I started getting all giggly and smily again. When we were at Beto's, Musu of course had to bring up the fact that instead of talking about Jesse now all he hears about is Aaron. At least my crush has changed for the better.
Monday, April 19, 2010
What the Text?
So this weekend my parents were in town and they decided since I'm not doing EFY until June, they want me to come home after finals for about a month. Since Musu is going home in June and I want to hang out with him and they're going back east for my brother's graduation, I shortened it to 3 weeks. Since Scott is leaving on Thursday and Aaron is going home too, I decided to leave on Thursday as well. So last week, Scott told me that I should make cinnamon rolls and even though Musu hates them, I decided to make them for Scott anyways. So I took those over yesterday and they basically got raped by all those boys. Even Musu and Vish who claimed to hate cinnamon loved them (I'm kind of pro sometimes). I told Scott that I made them for him and he has to know I'm basically in love with him by now. Then Aaron came home and ate 3 and said I was his favorite person (I def had a BIG smile). I asked Scott if he would take me to the airport on Thursday morning and he said he would...love him! I gave him my number so we could work out the details (and so I would have his number). So to the text reference in the title. Musu, Scott, Mark and I are in the living room studying. Vish was sleeping, Aaron was in his room and so was Freddy. I'm like super into my Humanities 202 studying when all of a sudden my phone starts vibrating and it's Musu. I'm like "dude, why are you calling me?" and he's like "I'm not!" Then I show him my phone and he's like weird and starts looking for his phone but he can't find it. I look at my phone and I have 2 texts. I was texting one of my other friends at the time but then I had a text from Musu too saying "Hey babe". I show it to Musu and he laughs and says that Aaron probably has his phone (Umm, if Aaron has his phone and was texting that I would be more than okay with that, let's be honest). I text back and "Musu" asks me if I want to makeout. I reply back "Of course!". This goes on and on until Musu is about to go to bed and goes to see if Aaron has his phone. He comes back out and finds his phone on the table so apparently Mark had his phone since I already gave Scott my number so I doubt he would use Musu's phone. When I get home, I go online and do my usual bedtime routine and then I grab my phone to set my alarm and see I got a text from some random 801 number saying "Good night and good luck on your finals :)". Anyone that truly knows me knows I am so anti-emoticon so I figure it must be Mark because Aaron has a 702 number. I'm like how the L did he get number? I questioned Musu about it today and he said he didn't give it to him and neither did Scott so apparently he took my number from Musu's phone. I laughed at loud at that thought...boys these days. Ahaha, and when I told Scott about it he was like "Yeah, he's a weird kid. I would stay away from him if I was you"...ahaha love him.
I Went to the Zoo, Did You?
Ten years later, here are some of the 39820u29 million pictures I snapped at the zoo.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Today Musu's complex had a BBQ so we went with his roomies. It was good even though Rik and Vish couldn't eat hardly anything. After that Musu really wanted to swim since some people in his ward were swimming. Since Vish was heading to bed, I went swimming with him and we played basketball (somehow I was ridiculously good). Then we came in and watched a movie. When it said the F word, Aaron decided to make fun of my "prudeness" and said that if it dropped the F bomb one more time, It would have to be rated R. I have a feeling they'll never let me live that down but whatevs. I loved when Musu called him an exhibitionist since his shirt was off for 95 percent of the night. I mean, yeah you have a hot bod but if I'm not topless too, you can't be. He said that I was impulsive since I like to buy stuff and eat out a lot...kind of true. He also said I'll probably be in debt in a few years...wow, thanks for having hope in my ability to budget Aaron. Love you too. Psh, I'm Angela Lynnette and I do what I want. Oh my cute, so when I was mentioning how I wanted a happy meal from McD's, Scott told me that he would go get one for me. When I told him, I could do it he said he would go with me. Umm, I'm pretty sure my heart wanted to melt into a puddle of happiness. I kind of like that boy a lot.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Double Standard.
So basically I've moved into Musu's apartment. I've been over for the past 2 days. So monday night after Musu and I watched Gossip Girl (he of course hated it), Scott and Aaron came home from FHE. They wanted to watch some stupid ninja movie and so I asked what it was rated. They said PG-13 so I was like whatever. The movie started and when I heard the F word 3 times in one minute, I doubted the rating. I was already bothered and the F bomb along with other colorful language continued. When someone got decapitated and blood spurted all over the screen and I almost hurled, I had to ask again "No seriously, this can't be rated PG-13". I was then told it was PG-R...wait what? So not a real rating right? "It's rated R?" I asked? Then they admitted that it was and I was like about to murder them for making me sin. Flash ahead to last night. I'm stalking someone via facie when I get read something funny out loud. It read like this: "I'm a __ __ egerhytkysfzd (I forgot the rest). I started reading the first part and saw the 3rd word was inappropriate and was planning on skipping it but the 2nd word was bad too and i had already said it and everyone was staring at me like I was a super sinner or something. Scott then said "Wow, you refuse to watch R rated movies but you curse". I'm just said "Everybody sins sometimes. I'll repent for that later". I don't know who I like more...dilemma. Scott is too adorable though. He makes my heart happy. I even let him drive my car last night since he said he would buy ice cream for me. I don't let ANYONE drive or even breathe near my car without permission so that's kind of a big deal. when i needed whole wheat flour, he even said he'd go to the market and get it for me. It was too cute. I was totally in love with him last night. I love cute sweet boys. Not a lot of them exist anymore. At least I know one that does.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Who Studies for Finals Anymore?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Oh My Sick.
As if sneezing, nose blowing and nausea weren't bad enough, I woke up with a killer headache and barely any voice. I just wanted to die in bed but I had a final dance exam and was so excited (excited=a big fat lie) to walk to campus in 5 degree weather to sing with no voice and dance for a grade...ugh! At least last night was good. I went over to Musu's and almost died on the couch while watching video games and getting directions to Vish's interview. Aaron was freaking adorable as usual and we talked a lot even though I was slightly upset he didn't sit next to me. I mean it's not like I was sick or anything...oh wait.
Monday, April 5, 2010
It Started With a Sore Throat.
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