Thursday, January 28, 2010
Why is my phone ringing?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Twice in 20.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A Noisy Noise Annoys an Oyster.
Try saying that 5 times fast. Many things tend to annoy me and I swear Fatty is one step away from me seriously slashing his tires for reals. I might as well text the boy and be like "shape up son or your wheels won't roll no mo fo sho!" So I've decided to get a comp book and write down all the annoying things that happen so I don't vent all about things you could care less about and you can hear more about my basically non existent life. Yesterday was my 22nd birthing day...gag me. I spent it with my parents and my lovely niece surprise of Miss Tiggy Rache. We ate and shopped our hearts out and watched food network <3>
1. Angela Lynnette Auten is pretty much the best name in the history of the world EVER.
2. Over 50 percent of my wardrobe is black.
3. I still love pink.
4. I gave up soda this year and hopefully for life except for super exceptions.
5. I hope my future husband likes it hot because I sleep with at least 3 blankets on the bed and 1 to cuddle with.
6. In case you got excited by the "future husband" part, I regret to inform you that I'm still very much single with no dating partner potential.
7. One of my greatest lover/friend boys Jake comes home in like a month...about freaking time right?
8. Baking is the best antidepressant I've found.
9. I would choose an ipod classic over an ipod touch anyday...too bad i have the stupid touch one.
10. My family is (I can't believe I just said that...ewwface)
11. Emoticons make me vomit.
12. Since thanksgiving break, I've gained 10 pounds...holy schnike!
13. I want summer already.
14. Dancing is my hot hot sex.
15. I've kissed _ boys...oh the suspense!
16. I like painting my nails and coloring in my Hello Kitty coloring books.
17. My 14 niece would get hit on by a guy in MY class before me.
18. I love teaching little kids.
19. Gossip Girl is my secret obsession and I want Chuck Bass.
20. Facebook is not so cool anymore (last thing I ever thought I'd say).
21. I want to live in the dirty south once I graduate.
22. Chapstick and lotion keep me alive in this nasty Utard weather.
Con amor, Angela Lynnette.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Thrill of a Bargain.
So yeah, pretty much love shopping here. Bought some great shirts that if I ever wear them in Fatty's presence, he will ask me why I'm wearing it like he always questions what I'm wearing...frickin luser.
Unofficial Parents weekend because of my birthdate, holla!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Nark Stat.
Fact: If you play music as loud as you can at between the hours of 2-4 in the AM and refuse to answer the door when I come to scream about how annoyed I am at your rude and immature behavior, then expect that I will call the policia on you multiple times and have them stationed around your apartment all night so I can get sleep without having to break down your door and throw any music playing device off your balcony.
Kids these days.
Friday, January 15, 2010
How's That For Conversation?
Best driving convo of life as of yet. Musu and I. Take one.
Self: "Oh my gosh, I really have to pee" (I always procrastinate my peeing so if I have to pee, it's kind of a big deal)
Musu: (whispers)"It's just in your mind"
Self: (screams at the top of her lungs) "Well it's about to be in my pants!"
Scene ends with explosive laughter from both parties. Great start to a great 3-day weekend.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kill Me Now.
Here is my current frustration in a nutshell:
Roommate lost the mail key. Refuses to admit she lost it even though I ALWAYS replace the mail key.
Days, weeks, finally a month passes by. Still NO mail key.
Angela loses debit card. Orders new one. ETA: one week.
Week passes by. Go to check mail when I forget one small detail.
3 day weekend. No mail key to get card. No card to spend money. Only have checks. Places don't accept checks. Only have $7 in cash...PO-ed.
Someone very well may die this weekend.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dear Stomach,
Since when do you stick out and provide legit rolls when I sit down? I knew people started losing their hot bod when they get older but dear stomach, I'm only almost 22! Let me keep the hot bod at least until I get married ok? What if I don't get married you say? At least give me, 30 then you and I can have a little chat akay?
Love, Angewa Wynnette
PS- I miss my little Chin Win. I love school and teaching. This kid Luke is kind of in love with me and I love it! Oh btw, Mr. "I hate texting, so call me and when you call and I don't answer it's because I can't hang out with you and when I've used up all of the other excuses, it's because I'm bad with phones"-aka Fatty had his birthday last friday and in response to my sarcastic "I hate you but since it's your birthday, I'll try not to be a B" text, he said "Thanks Angela ;)"...If emoticons aren't bad enough by their :) and :( selves, he had the freaking nerve to winky face at me...eww, vomitrocious!
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